The issue I see you describing is with a finite number of monetary units (divisibility being ineffective because it results in asymmetrical distribution of wealth) how can the units be equitably distributed so an economy can effectively distribute resources and maximize participation?
More precisely, the problem that the world will face by adopting THE Bitcoin as the global currency is that the system will start out with ALL the money in the hands of a few thousand people and the "bankers" (miners).
Even if those "bitcoin barons" are generous and spend half of their BTC hoards in exchange for trifles, just to get the bitcoin economy started, they will still hold half of the money supply in the world.
What are the chances of the world being OK with that?What are the chances that the world will be OK with a small group of central bankers controlling the money supply? Look, if people find Bitcoin useful and saves them money, then they are likely to use it, the same way people shop at Walmart even though the Waltons are extremely wealthy, pay low wages and buy stuff from China.
Jorge the real situation is at a point somewhat similar to the worst case Bitcoin scenario. Have you read the
Oxfam wealth distribution report. even the likes of
Larry Summers are showing concern.
In short the world is enslaved to the central banks of the BIS, and the Islamic outliers who reject there model on religious grounds are dealing with conflict that will result in adopting that model. This process of enslavement is called the
Cantillon Effect it is not just from Central Bank monetary inflation but also from monetary inflation through fractional reserve banking.
To get to the answer to your question the world doesn't have a choice, the people who have a choice are the ones playing with our economy the likes of the BIS members who were given a get out of jail card free when there martingale mortgage backed securities failed. While they are reforming with Basel III, when implemented we'll see intrest rates rise and lots of failures and further wealth accumulated at the top and more people enslaved as a result of globalization. The central bank model will fail regardless because it relies on exponential growth, and relative consumption of finite resources, many corporations will fail too because they are depend on the FRB credit that facilitates malinvestment in infrastructure that accelerates consumption for profit.
Fiew see it the ones that do will buy into something just like Bitcoin I'm betting it will be Bitcoin untill something more promising comes along. The Bitcoin nouveau riche will sell there coins to them, and governments will support this as there will be a big 1 time tax boost at a time when they need it most. (So just buy that 1 Bitcoin it is a bet on a sustainable future) and if the Bitcoin nouveau riche never sell there coins because the demand never materializes, we will have a long bear market and Bitcoin depression untill the coins find an optimal way to distribute.
Your fear that early adopters get disproportionately wealthy is only viable if we have price controls on the value of Bitcoin. Without controls the risk of failure is huge, you are betting those who have lots of coins won't cash out, and will hold untill they collapse the system, I'm betting they are so greedy they will cash out before the system collapse.
That $5 (a mokate latte) investment in 2010 that would net you over $1,000,000 in 2013 is an insane redistribution of wealth yet it didn't deter me or many others, and I'm betting won't deter future investors as we see similar growth. To add there are fewer than a handful who made the investment then and still hold today, they are smart enough to know why when and to whom to sell there coins.