“Taking into account the existence of the 200,000 BTC, the total number of bitcoins which have disappeared is therefore estimated to be approximately 650,000 BTC.”"
So.. its basically official that M.K. is just a complete and utter retard right? Who moves 200,000 BTC to verify they have control of bitcoin and then forgets that they exist. Does this ultimately point to the more likely possibility that M.K. just lost the private keys but had an old database backup that he eventually went and fished these 200,000 coins out of after the community pointed them out?
also... how does 850,000 missing vs 650,000 missing affect the markets?
They don't, I have no idea how you just find a wallet with 200,000 BTC when others can see it on the blockchain etc. It suggest to me personally that the theories regarding lost keys or badly written key generating software are the most plausible.
I wouldnt be surprised to see a large part of the 850k slowly being 'found' what this does to the price however is anyone's guess
I was thinking something like this would evolve also. B/c even though it appears fairly likely, based on our current knowledge of the situation, that Mark was up to some incredible Shenanigans, he is likely realizing that he is in much bigger doo doo than he anticipated. Surely, he has a large number of civil lawsuits, but worse, he has potential for major criminal prosecutions, too. Accordingly, b/c he values his freedom more than he values drinking cappuccinos, he is going to find more BTC and realize that those BTC were NOT stolen.. they were merely misplaced....
In the end, I will speculate (since this is the speculation thread) that GOX is going to find more than 60% of their previously lost/misplaced coins... which will be more than 500K found coins....
I would not put anything past Karpeles now.
I think Karpeles' biggest problem might be that some of the BTC inevitably belonged to some very shady people (typically gentlemen short of a finger) who might want to take him for a car ride to discuss matters.
If I were Karpeles, I would not count on ever drawing a pension.
Just my two cents; I did not have any BTC or $ in Gox.