I beg to differ... Idea is one thing and putting it into execution is another... it's ok a lot of ideas emerge all over the world but it's the execution which matters not the idea.
We have to accept he's a genius because he is delivering and to be honest you can compare him with Steve Jobs and you might rank him higher at the same time. Yes we can talk about his big schedules and tight timelines but he's a hands-on engineer so underestimating difficult things is built-in.
Now the second part yeah yeah.. he knows how to market himself... I remember what he did at that time when in Thailand boys were trapped in a cave and he tried to jump in and prove himself to be a world savior. So that's ok, he wants to present himself. Let's take his "Tesla Car "yeah anyone can say huh what he has a "car"?? with four wheels and its moves?? That thing we have had for 100 years? No no no.. it's about not the the car or what outside and it's what's inside Tesla's power lies in his software same goes to "AI" bot it's not about fancy looking cute or s*xy bot but it's about his AI which will be running inside in the "future". Yes boston dynamics have great robots but tesla can beat them really fast if they want to. It's ok his 2023 timeline is skeptical and will be dragged a long way.
Comparing a tesla bot with an automatic cleaner is insane, every new product will take it's time to mature you pitch the (big) idea and develop test develop test and final result will be far from now.
Then other things like hyperloop and claiming the idea was already there "Swissmetro" since what 1998? Yeah it was "an idea" full stop.
Anyway yes I accept that he exaggerates things a lot.
There is no denying Musk pushes the envelope.
But pulling the wool over people's eyes with countless escapades and that inflating your stock IS a problem.
Steve Jobs sold millions of phones around the world, made devices that are used even in poor countries. He literally influenced near everyone to have access to the likes of BTC. All that is happening with Tesla is their prices keep rising to near unaffordable levels.
Musk may have sold a million Teslas but I think is literally leading the car industry down the wrong path with huge resources needed and cars that are almost impossible to extinguish when on fire.
Toyota's Hybrid approach clearly is/was the best, most reliable and least resourceful option for the foreseeable future.
Governments have completely ignored it.
Not good.