Since today (Mon Feb/03) was a False Slumber Point, to play by the rules I cannot use it for the preditction. So I will use the same straight trend line used yesterday, determined by the last four True points (Feb/27--28, Mar/01--02), namely p(d) = 3521.20 - 30.30*(d - 27), where {d} is the day number since Feb/01 (which is 32 for Mar/04). Thus
Prediction valid for: Tuesday 2014-03-04, 19:00--19:59 UTC (not before, not after)
Huobi's predicted price: 3370 CNY.
Bitstamp's predicted price: 551 USD.
The prediction is the blue rectangle almost outside the right margin in the chart below. The orange and grey dots are the True and False Slumber Points, and the orange line is the new trendline.
NOTE: Extrapolating this trend, I predict that on February 01, 2015 anyone found in possession of bitcoins will be fined at the rate of 1097 USD per BTC owned.