You seem to have a short memory coupled with the fact Mark has yet to have done anything to warrant hate. He pointed out a flaw that nearly every exchange had to fix in their software. Perhaps he put the blame where it was not warranted.... perhaps.
I see that things at Gox look odd but just imagine this:
- Mark doesn't have special trading accounts or no-fee bots, etc.
- Mark believes that malleability is a flaw in the protocol and stated his opinion
- the crazy market at Gox is simply that, not internally manipulated free market
- banks have been very strict with him after the US froze his Dwolla account causing all the reported fiat transfers. Stopping USD withdrawals is necessitated by the US not Mark.
People are losing money and looking for someone to blame. Instead they should be thanking Mark for offering them the ability to trade BTC for the last @4 years.
i agree, the hate here is just idiotic. i was tempted myself, it is so easy to follow the crowd and hate. there are even remarks about his safety.
on the other hand: some communication from mtgox would help
Please don't confuse suggesting that he might do well to get a bodyguard with hate (if you are referring to my comment). Considering that people are beginning to fly to Tokyo from the other side of the world to confront him makes this seem like a good idea to me. The first visitors were kind of geeky; the next might be more unpleasant.
I do think it would help if he was more open about Gox's cash / Bitcoin reserves.