What happens to your nation's currency when you go "all in" on bitcoin?
Meaning, the government of said nation (Cypress? Singapore?) fully embraces bitcoin and allows banks to freely exchange their national currency for bitcoins.
The specific question I have is would that make the relative value of that nation's currency rise or fall versus all the other nations?
yeah, but you could speculate? please?
That original post I just blurted that out there, and my question is true, I honestly would like to hear some opinions on this topic.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around what might happen when the first nation puts the green light on bitcoin, but my first thought is that other currencies might rush into your currency because of the easy exchange into bitcoin (or something like it).
Basically you would take over the US as the issuer of the new world's reserve currency.
Or maybe you just piss off the other nations enough that they quit dealing with you all together and you end up like a free decentralized and open North Korea?