Not merely International payments. Card swipe fees are a 3% tax on the GDP. Financialization has created some small efficiencies at a vast social and economic cost, which can be slowly removed through the deleveraging effects of counterparty-free cryptographic economy.
That observation may be a bit facile. Liquidity is a huge boon, for example. Comparing bitcoin to equities is more likely to lead you astray than to guide you to a useful conclusion.
Where do you think the profits of the miners come from? From buyers of bitcoin. Speculators are among the major buyers of bitcoin. Indeed, until very recently, only speculators and drug users were meaningful purchasers. They paid for the network.
I am sure that you are making an intellectually honest effort to assess the facts and import of Bitcoin technology, but I get the impression that your political preconceptions are undermining those efforts in some ways, to some degree.