Those of us with substantial holdings will not deplete them by buying stuff at a low exchange rate. We didn't get where we are by buying high and spending low, so price needs to go up gradually and then we'll share with merchants. Overstock bitcoin sales went down because the exchange rate went down. If it goes up, more bitcoiners will buy stuff there and then more merchants will jump on board.
If Overstock sales went down it's because the initial rush of bitcoin buyers has passed.
And anyone with substantial holdings of BTC almost certainly acquired it more than a few months ago (ie when BTC was < $150). In the context of the gains made, the exchange rate has barely moved.
I started buying when it was less than $10/BTC and I still am going to wait. You seem to think it was easy money. It wasn't. Everybody was screaming at us to sell when it jumped to $50, $100, $200, etc. We held. and we held through the crashes too. Easy money spends easy. Hard money is hard to part with.
Well said.
Much of the supposed "stupidity" on here is just people wanting cheaper prices. However, the real stupid people are those that don't see what's coming down the pipeline. There are literally hundreds of examples. But the one I mention in particular, the one where the most influential financial regulatory body in the world - the one in New York State - is going to be providing specific regulations and guidelines on bitcoin - pandoras box is really beginning to open.
If someone(s) can spend enough time on this forum to read and comment back and forth, and not see the obvious progression to where bitcoin is headed - then quite frankly such a person(s) does not deserve to financially benefit from any of this. They just don't.
Fuck the bears. I mean, sure we could go down over the next few days or weeks or months. But if you are a long term bear - fuck you. You are just stupid.
Those of you that have stuck with bitcoin from $1 or $5 or even $10 to where it is today. Hats off to you. That was the HARD stuff. That was when there truly were reasons to DOUBT. But today? Today? Today its so fucking obvious to see where this is going that now you have to be an idiot not to jump on board.