I would suggest to get rid of the dumbass plant based protein bullshit ideas, and consider eating bacon and eggs, and also steak with fat a couple times a week, and surely you likely need to make sure that you are not fucking around with various processed oils such as various kinds of vegetable oils and/or margarine or other kinds of fake shit that says it is healthy, including a lot of products with soy bean oil...
Make sure you are eating regular butter (and you can cook with it too, low temperatures), yet coconut oil or the oils from the meat such as from the bacon are good to cook other foods with.
And yeah, sandwich includes bread, so get rid of the bread.. Yeah, it is addicting and it tastes good, but it is not good for sugars, and are you drinking sodas or diet sodas? Get rid of that diet soda shit also get rid of the low fat dairy shit.. maybe if you have any dairy it is either high fat or raw would be even better, though it is not easy to find raw dairy.
Peanuts are a bit high in sugar, so the organic part at least helps without adding sugars to it, though organic almond butter might be a bit better, but those spreads are still a bit dessert-like, even though they are organic with no added sugars.
I read a book life without bread in 2012-ish and also another book Wheat belly, so I doubt that you are helping yourself with bread as a carb, even though maybe you could have a little bit of carb with potatoes or rice, since those at least have some resistance starches in them...
but yeah, lots of folks fuck up with their choices to cut fats or nonsense about red meat being bad for you, which is almost pure propaganda... yet some folks might eat the red meat and try to eat it as low fat, which is another form of nonsense, since it is likely better to eat the red meat with fat, even if the meat might have had been grain-finished and industrial rather than grassfed or organic.. but people complain about the grass fed as not having enough fat, though I think that the fat is better in the grassfed in terms of being higher in omega 3 to omega 6 ratios, but you could get your omega 3s from fish, salmon, or even sardines.
Your saying that eating various vegetables and fruit is good, seems like you want to eat like a cow, and surely those carbohydrates in the fruits and the vegetables must be converting to sugar in your body, and even though I am not completely against vegetables, you seem to be brainwashed into thinking that you actually need vegetables.. and maybe you should start out every day with bacon and eggs, and cut way down on your vegetables. maybe you are eating beans too as a protein source, which seems almost retarded.. but people do those kinds of things when they believe the meat and animal fat is bad (unhealthy) nonsense... and hopefully you are not eating various soy products or even the I cannot believe it is not meat or the various milk substitutes (even though unprocessed coconut milk might be fairly o.k.).
Up until this past year I always hit plateaus with energy and fitness levels, but still maintained what I needed to and was under control.. now I feel like I'll have a 4ish pack by this summer
I'm not perfect, but workouts feel easier and I have much more energy.. so that, combined with
BTC looking mighty bullish, I'm heading into 2025 now in my 40's with a positive mindset.
Keep up the good work gentlemen, holidays are the toughest for me. I don't get much time to respond here but I read a lot, and health is important, I just don't trust a lot of the pharmaceuticals out there so I'm always looking for natural ways, one day I might not be able to anymore, but I won't go silently.
Natural ways are important..
Weston A. Price foundation talks about eating foods without many ingredients and eating what you grandparents(perhaps great grandparents) ate.
[edited out]
Great thing about the hemp seeds is I don't really taste them, they're just there... flax I'm doing mainly for the omega3's but also fish oil supplements. Eggs are a big part of my diet also and we have chickens so that helps, 7 days a week, I used to use ketchup but that's something else I cut out this year... with multiple (opsec) kids on a limited budget, I'm already pushing it with the other supplements I've added in,
Surely eggs are good, and surely fish based Omega 3s are likely better than plant based ones... but probably getting them from natural foods would be good too... if possible. I do admit that I take fish oil for the times that I miss eating fish or sardines.. .which yeah, maybe I am not having fish in my diet even on an average of weekly.
so we end up with "normal" ketchup which ends up with added sugars so it's easier and cheaper for me to just cut it out. Kids make fun of me but my omelettes are literally green, caused mainly by the spirulina and chopped spinach leaves.
I believe spinach, spirulina, and even seaweed are pretty good.. yeah some of the dark greens, yet I am not sure how much they are essential.. as compared with the various essential fats and essential proteins, but there is no such thing as an essential carb, since our body can extract many if not all of the essentials from meat and even organ meat... so folks with diabetes are likely not advantaging themselves by focusing on plant based nutrients... and I don't mind some organ meats, but I have not found myself eating liver, in spite of its nutrition profile.
Almonds my stomach has tolerated in the past but I don't like the taste of them plain... roasted is another story but I'm usually not as hungry these days and sometimes the roasted stuff adds sugar, the ones you linked look decent enough though assuming they don't just taste like plain almonds and then I won't eat them lol
Pushups aren't an efficient use of time for me personally, and trying to do them rapidly isn't great, slow and controlled there would be the key.. stair stepping I could see being more beneficial if you are talking about walking stairs and not pushups on stairs, but seriously whatever is working for you keep it up, you're doing great. I need to shift my exercises, always cardio in some form, but I like to mix up the muscle groups being worked to confuse my muscles and keep things different/fun.
Resistance training (such as pushups and/or lunges) seems to be more important as we age, especially when we get into our 40s and above., and yeah there are a lot of folks who revert to cardio (walking, running, stairs), and so don't end up getting enough resistance training because they wear themselves out (or use a lot of their time with various cardio activities), yet I suppose that many kinds of exercises and staying active would be more helpful than engaging in couch potato activities... and of course, many of us likely realize that diet, sleep and exercise are the three components of health that we can control...and sometimes we might get some of them wrong, and yeah, drugs and supplements are probably not good to get into if we might be able to regulate our body with lifestyle matters, and sometimes we might end up needing to take some drugs, even though doctors might push more drugs, tests and/or surgeries than would be to our own personal benefits.
What would 2025 be without a wall of text from JJG.
I'm kidding of course, this is actually pretty concise for you.
I feel like you've twisted some of what I've said here, I certainly eat red meat occasionally, which I said, and by occasionally I mean 1-2(max) times a week, and yes that includes bacon, definitely not every morning though. There have been some studies that show it increasing fasting glucose levels, so I keep it limited but I get enough red meat to make me happy. Plus, the weird shit people inject animals with to mass-produce meat doesn't make me want to consume more of it. Eggs I've already mentioned, but there is nothing wrong with plant-based proteins.
I definitely use REAL butter, specifically irish, fat I burn, sugar is generally the issue. 2 slices of wheat for lunch occasionally isn't going to kill me, and with exercising daily, I'm not worried about the sugar here, although I agree with you I'd be better off without it!
I'm definitely eating fish as well as the supplements, I just lower the supplement on days I'm eating fish... like tonight, will be salmon, which I love.
I posted about this in another thread but my workouts are all calisthenics/body weight and could theoretically be done anywhere, excluding the 1-2 day a week medicine ball & free weight routines. I do all of my routines at home though, so I can shower afterwards. I'm generally following a box fit type of routine. Resistance
bands & an exercise ball are mixed in with my normal routine, although honestly not a huge amount at this point maybe 10-15% of the weekly exercises include a resistance band and not every day, mainly moderate/intense cardio calisthenics to get the heart rate up, jumping jacks, high knee jump rope, normal jump rope, things to get the heart rate up, followed by slow and controlled calisthenics (which includes various lunges and squats, sit ups, etc... some normal, w/twists, etc.), then back to the more cardio calisthenics as the heart rate slows, then repeat, but it changes up each time. I'm not a runner or a walker, again these end up more boring and inefficient imo.
As for the peanut comment, why do you think I called it my "treat"?
And who the hell said anything about me eating beans? That's another thing that doesn't agree with my stomach.
For dairy, really just mozzarella cheese, I don't even put milk or cream in my coffee anymore.
Soda?... again I never said that and don't drink soda. I used to (years ago), and once in a blue moon if I'm out at a restaurant I might get a diet coke, but I'm all water these days w/ the added minerals I mentioned previously.
Then to say I'm brainwashed because I increased my vegetable intake?
far from a vegetarian if that is your concern, but yes I do believe vegetables add substance that is beneficial, and fill the belly/control hunger, but I wouldn't eat like a vegetarian personally... although I know many who do and seem fine with it, and are in better shape than I am, that's just not me.
Whoops. I forgot to respond to your assertion about "I don't do pushups because pushups are no good unless you do them slow."
What a bunch of nonsense. you likely can do them however you like which is better than not doing them, yet even not quite clean techniques can lead to cleaner techniques and even benefits in being able to do pushups for so many days in a row and even getting through some of the soreness that seems to be inevitable, especially for guys doing them every single day..
I did not like or want to do pushups prior to getting involved in the pushups thread, and I even recall being in some kind of an exercise program for one month in 2011, and one of the guys was doing pushups, so I tried a few pushups. I did not like them, and so I had been thinking that I probably did not do any pushups since 2011.. even though I did some weight lifting and even a lot of stretches, but not really pushups in any kind of a meaningful and/or memorable way since my memory of how I did not like doing the pushups in 2011 when I was trying to replicate what another similarly aged guy (a peer of mine) was doing.
I still don't really like doing pushups but I have been doing them every day for the past 331 days, and I am pretty sure that they have been helpful to me in a few ways.. sure it hurts and sure there could be some better efficiencies, but largely pushups can be done anywhere.. which is so lovely about body weight type exercises when any of us might choose to incorporate them into our lives, and yeah maybe I have to reincorporate lunges into my routine, which I was doing lunges during various periods while doing my pushups, but I became more obsessed with trying to get quantity of pushups, and surely doing pushups every day, I have at least gotten way better at pushups and some other strength (exertion) requiring activities, and even less sore in regards to the actual pushups, which so many parts have gotten sore over the past 331 days, and even in the past 2-ish months, I have added one set of slow pushups to my daily pushup routine, which have also gravitated towards 5 sets of pushups per day, which might be a bit excessive.. but I am currently thinking to get my quantity of pushups to the BTC dollar price, at some point.. hopefully.
At the same time, I still take the position that the slow pushups were not necessary for me to get benefits from pushups, yet my having had added some slow pushups to my daily routine in the past 2 months did end up adding variety in terms of how I am doing pushups and how I am measuring my pushups, and I probably would not have had been ready, willing and/or able to do the slow pushups until I had gone through a process of regularly, persistently and consistently doing faster pushups.
Also, I started to time my pushup sets about two months after starting the pushups, so I have been timing my pushup sets for about the past 280-ish days, and I probably also would not have timed my pushup sets until after I had been routinely doing pushups on a regular, consistent and persistent way, and then wanting to try to get more granular in terms of looking at how time fits into my pushup sets... which my push up sets, how they are done and how many and what kind of frequency also varied in the last 331 days of ongoingly doing pushups on a daily basis. I still am not going to claim to like doing pushups.
Well, that's not what I was trying to say.
I was asserting that they'd be
better slow & controlled, especially if you are doing push-ups for the resistance to gain muscle, which you seem to be doing, so I'd think you
should be doing them slow and controlled for a better result since slow pushups increase your muscles time under tension, but I'm certainly no push-up expert, that's just what I've heard from personal trainers I've talked with, but pushups are not a part of my routine.