So, admit it, who is selling, making us all poorer ?
I only sold 97.5% at $96k-ish of the portion that I bought at $92k-ish.. so I consider myself as a kind of wash, since I am buying more than I am selling.. at least in recent times... and that has tended to be my practice since late 2015-ish. I doubt that what I do makes much of a difference, since my quantities tend to be quite small.. including that each time that I sell (every time the BTC price goes up around $3k to $4k, then I sell about 0.06% of my BTC stash.. which does not seem like very much to me...
even though, sure, it could have a cumulative affect, so that if the BTC price doubles then there might end up being around 25 of those kinds of orders, which adds up to a bit less than 1.4% sales of my total BTC stash for every time that the BTC price doubles.. give or take..... . which is way under my authorized amount of being able to sell 10% every time the BTC price doubles, which I have not exercised such maximizing for many years (if ever), even though I am pretty sure that the percentage of my BTC sales for the size of my stash was at greater levels during the 2017 price run as compared to the more recent price runs of 2021 or even this current price run...
The percentage amounts of BTC that I have been selling with passage of time seem to be getting smaller.. so what is a guy to do? Decisions? decisions? Sometimes I think that maybe I should pull off a larger chunk, yet it really does not seem necessary to do so, except if BTC ends up doing a greater than 50% or even into the 70% price drops, there can be fantasies of having more fiat .. which it seems that historically, I have tended to run out of fiat for the buying of BTC if the BTC ends up reaching those kinds of levels of drops.
Quoted for visibility, even though I am not sure if this is saying much... but hey guys can dream.
The price of bitcoin on the first day of 2024 -------$44,167
And to day being the last day of 2024 for now the price is -------$93,786.
The price movement in 2024 was very great and interesting for bitcoiners. Congratulations to bitcoin investors.
Yeah.. which BTC HODLer should be complaining when we have right around a 2.12x price appreciation for the year, including that 2023 was an UP year too... so those UPs seem to compound upon themselves.
Genetics screwed me over, combined with society putting sugar in everything I ate as a kid, the processed foods, fast food, etc. I've dealt with diabetes since early 30's, grandmother was type 1 and lived to be over 90, I learned a lot from her with diet, and watching her inject herself daily was a constant reminder. Tried metformin early on in my 30s and nausea took me out for several weeks so I had to stop, but got it self controlled and back in line just through portion control and cutting out bad carbs/white flour and staying away from sugar in general.. but this past year ended up 9.4 and I had to change some things up, they wanted me on metformin again or mounjaro and I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Outside of more diet & exercise changes, I think Berberine has helped me a lot this year with both controlling a1c and cravings. I've changed a lot though, more plant-based proteins, hemp seeds and flax seeds, which I can sprinkle on anything, adding plant-derived minerals to my water daily, which honestly I think has helped energy levels, using a product by youngevity, plus staying away from red meat as much as possible, still do it occasionally though. I'm doing fruits sometimes but not that much, generally strawberries or oranges, but definitely increased vegetable intake, even just simple things like mushrooms, red onions and spinach leaves mixed in my omelette or on my sandwich, still doing some wheat bread but organic peanut butter is usually my "treat", most other nuts out there cause bloating which drags me down.
I would suggest to get rid of the dumbass plant based protein bullshit ideas, and consider eating bacon and eggs, and also steak with fat a couple times a week, and surely you likely need to make sure that you are not fucking around with various processed oils such as various kinds of vegetable oils and/or margarine or other kinds of fake shit that says it is healthy, including a lot of products with soy bean oil...
Make sure you are eating regular butter (and you can cook with it too, low temperatures), yet coconut oil or the oils from the meat such as from the bacon are good to cook other foods with.
And yeah, sandwich includes bread, so get rid of the bread.. Yeah, it is addicting and it tastes good, but it is not good for sugars, and are you drinking sodas or diet sodas? Get rid of that diet soda shit also get rid of the low fat dairy shit.. maybe if you have any dairy it is either high fat or raw would be even better, though it is not easy to find raw dairy.
Peanuts are a bit high in sugar, so the organic part at least helps without adding sugars to it, though organic almond butter might be a bit better, but those spreads are still a bit dessert-like, even though they are organic with no added sugars.
I read a book life without bread in 2012-ish and also another book Wheat belly, so I doubt that you are helping yourself with bread as a carb, even though maybe you could have a little bit of carb with potatoes or rice, since those at least have some resistance starches in them...
but yeah, lots of folks fuck up with their choices to cut fats or nonsense about red meat being bad for you, which is almost pure propaganda... yet some folks might eat the red meat and try to eat it as low fat, which is another form of nonsense, since it is likely better to eat the red meat with fat, even if the meat might have had been grain-finished and industrial rather than grassfed or organic.. but people complain about the grass fed as not having enough fat, though I think that the fat is better in the grassfed in terms of being higher in omega 3 to omega 6 ratios, but you could get your omega 3s from fish, salmon, or even sardines.
Your saying that eating various vegetables and fruit is good, seems like you want to eat like a cow, and surely those carbohydrates in the fruits and the vegetables must be converting to sugar in your body, and even though I am not completely against vegetables, you seem to be brainwashed into thinking that you actually need vegetables.. and maybe you should start out every day with bacon and eggs, and cut way down on your vegetables. maybe you are eating beans too as a protein source, which seems almost retarded.. but people do those kinds of things when they believe the meat and animal fat is bad (unhealthy) nonsense... and hopefully you are not eating various soy products or even the I cannot believe it is not meat or the various milk substitutes (even though unprocessed coconut milk might be fairly o.k.).
Up until this past year I always hit plateaus with energy and fitness levels, but still maintained what I needed to and was under control.. now I feel like I'll have a 4ish pack by this summer
I'm not perfect, but workouts feel easier and I have much more energy.. so that, combined with
BTC looking mighty bullish, I'm heading into 2025 now in my 40's with a positive mindset.
Keep up the good work gentlemen, holidays are the toughest for me. I don't get much time to respond here but I read a lot, and health is important, I just don't trust a lot of the pharmaceuticals out there so I'm always looking for natural ways, one day I might not be able to anymore, but I won't go silently.
Natural ways are important..
Weston A. Price foundation talks about eating foods without many ingredients and eating what you grandparents(perhaps great grandparents) ate.
Yeah. Torque should be joining the pushup challenge thread so we can push the BTC price above $100k and keep it there.
[edited out]
Great thing about the hemp seeds is I don't really taste them, they're just there... flax I'm doing mainly for the omega3's but also fish oil supplements. Eggs are a big part of my diet also and we have chickens so that helps, 7 days a week, I used to use ketchup but that's something else I cut out this year... with multiple (opsec) kids on a limited budget, I'm already pushing it with the other supplements I've added in,
Surely eggs are good, and surely fish based Omega 3s are likely better than plant based ones... but probably getting them from natural foods would be good too... if possible. I do admit that I take fish oil for the times that I miss eating fish or sardines.. .which yeah, maybe I am not having fish in my diet even on an average of weekly.
so we end up with "normal" ketchup which ends up with added sugars so it's easier and cheaper for me to just cut it out. Kids make fun of me but my omelettes are literally green, caused mainly by the spirulina and chopped spinach leaves.
I believe spinach, spirulina, and even seaweed are pretty good.. yeah some of the dark greens, yet I am not sure how much they are essential.. as compared with the various essential fats and essential proteins, but there is no such thing as an essential carb, since our body can extract many if not all of the essentials from meat and even organ meat... so folks with diabetes are likely not advantaging themselves by focusing on plant based nutrients... and I don't mind some organ meats, but I have not found myself eating liver, in spite of its nutrition profile.
Almonds my stomach has tolerated in the past but I don't like the taste of them plain... roasted is another story but I'm usually not as hungry these days and sometimes the roasted stuff adds sugar, the ones you linked look decent enough though assuming they don't just taste like plain almonds and then I won't eat them lol
Pushups aren't an efficient use of time for me personally, and trying to do them rapidly isn't great, slow and controlled there would be the key.. stair stepping I could see being more beneficial if you are talking about walking stairs and not pushups on stairs, but seriously whatever is working for you keep it up, you're doing great. I need to shift my exercises, always cardio in some form, but I like to mix up the muscle groups being worked to confuse my muscles and keep things different/fun.
Resistance training (such as pushups and/or lunges) seems to be more important as we age, especially when we get into our 40s and above., and yeah there are a lot of folks who revert to cardio (walking, running, stairs), and so don't end up getting enough resistance training because they wear themselves out (or use a lot of their time with various cardio activities), yet I suppose that many kinds of exercises and staying active would be more helpful than engaging in couch potato activities... and of course, many of us likely realize that diet, sleep and exercise are the three components of health that we can control...and sometimes we might get some of them wrong, and yeah, drugs and supplements are probably not good to get into if we might be able to regulate our body with lifestyle matters, and sometimes we might end up needing to take some drugs, even though doctors might push more drugs, tests and/or surgeries than would be to our own personal benefits.
People trust Bitcoin exactly because it doesn’t require them to trust anybody else. They just have to trust the code. Bitcoin is designed with a mathematical purity that removes systemic complexity. Bitcoin’s simplicity minimizes the chances that something can go wrong.
W0w, thanks for the insight!!!
NONE of us were aware of that.
Wow I never knew any of this at all. Damn live and learn.
"We" learn a lot of things in the WO thread, whether "we" like it or not.
Happy New Years to everyone here!
I hope the year 2025 will bring the ultimate hodler fortunes that you all have been waiting for!
$202.500/BTC in 2025 confirmed.
Fair enough. Seems reasonable, including seeming to be conservative, yet how can "we" know until going through the year and seeing how things play out?
I'm working on it...
Wow.. that is not looking good for a boy.