This is just part of the psychological manipulation game. The "wall" is not there to keep the price down, and of course not to sell. It is there for the sole purpose of keeping the bid sum/ask sum numbers manipulated. Makes it seem that there are a lot of coins for sale, when in fact, a good chunk of the asks are that one person. Once people start to figure this out, and that there are not nearly as many coins for sale at this price as it would seem, well, that will be interesting for sure . . .
It is this kind of content that I search for when reading this thread, but find very little.
Most of it is just attempt to prove me wrong by expending
words, which is very silly, because words have power only when they are true.
Hope that you can hold on to your coins for the next 6 months, otherwise you should have listened to me
I think I have said all. Under no circumstances will I write anything in this thread before it goes to $500. I have a castle to attend to meanwhile