The first goal of bitcoin should be to be able to handle the same amount of transactions as visa.
And it is 1700 visa transactions vs 7 possible bitcoin transactions.
I don't understand why so many don't want to see that problem. Still high from the last ath?
Bitcoin is not gold.
The paper money you can turn that account balance into has value only based on what you can trade it for. Government currencies mask volatility by printing more, but they can also create more money to devalue their own debts, to pay their bills, at the expense of long-term holders. I can no longer buy a car for $3000 or a hair cut for $0.25.
When the exchanges are less important to obtaining your initial Bitcoins, and merchants are willing to take 1 BTC for their product regardless of what number is showing on an exchange in another country, then you will see less volatility.
Bitcoins advantages are technical and if you take that from bitcoin there is nothing left.
Look at the bitcoin paper again and think what bitcoin was about. And then look at the stores accepting bitcoin and then think if there should be more.
I mean there are not a lot of stores, who accept gold transfers, so why would bitcoin need that...