been at this 1 month mining 21 coins....hmmm......may have to take any coin I get put in paper wallet USB and place far away in
safe deposit box in a bank......if I plan to just hoard.....this is like trying to take a break from women at the playboy mansion....restraint man
crap its only been 1 month of this for me no wonder everyone on here is insane
damn 21 coins... here I am sitting with 1 coin lol
got a KNC Jupiter I expected to make ROI in a lesiurey fashion in say 9 months to 1 I expected hype to slow down etc more equip etc.....mad ROI in 25 days
started mining oct 18th I think coin then was around $150
to say I'm noob and confused is an understatement
ah hell its only money (or not depending on what the u.s. house says on Monday about all this)
Very confused indeed. Your ROI is negative because you bought a BTC minting machine, and you would have bought more coins with your fiat that coins your machine will ever mint.
Not true, the Jupiters did in fact ROI against purchasing coins.