Someone want to make a prediction for tomorrow or the day after?
During the next few weeks we'll probably go down to the 50's stay there for a little while, drop a bit further 40's 35's? and either make some sideways movement or make huge steps towards 100-110 where the new waiting game begins. maybe drop a few times sub 100 but it will be up from there, especially if we break the support's; bears will be bulls again
total time line for this dec 13 or jan 14
dec 13 or jan 14? where do you pull that from?
I think that will be the time we need to complete the circle.
-a lot of ASIC's will be paid by then, and miners will be used to difficulty -> either sell their ASIC's because it being less profitable as expected and price being low or accept there is no real improvement over gains as compared to when they ran GPU's (just a different difficulty).
-capitulation will have taken place, weak hands will have sold-> buy high sell low types.
-VC projects will start making their way to the market/public.
-people will forget the drama in a timespan of a few months and those that got hurt will have taken their loss and got out.
-regulation will become more transparent as gov and banks are working hard at providing guidelines regarding tax and hope that the sheep will comply. Also regulation opens up the doors for mass adoption what will be starting as soon as the rules are clear and VC projects start.
These are just a few indicators I see happening in the timespan.