Here is the thing, I can't possibly think of every technicality which wouldn't fit this correlation, there are just too many. (like the indicators you posted for instance).
I don't use volume based indicators, but I don't ignore them, they are just not relevant for my style of trading.
Fair enough. It's just that I don't look at the indicators (volume based or not) in isolation but try to see how they fit in with what I believe to be the market sentiment.
And the way it looks to me, that sentiment is very different now than it was in 2011. I wasn't around in 2011, but judging by the forum posts here for example, there is substantially more optimism around today than back then. So if this is continuing deflation, it sure looks like it has to overcome some real resistance by the market. But, yes, maybe that's how it'll play out in the end.
Hmm, I just use the sediment to choose the size of my position, in relation to my capital. In a sense my own greed and fear is related to the one of you guys. Some times I am "in phase" some times "out of phase".
It's too bad I don't have a systematic approach for that. The kind of my position is not really related to market sediment, at least I try to keep it that way.