Here is an 'interesting" suggestion re new poll on WO:
How much are you currently losing "on paper" from the ATH in your current bitcoin position (not counting the profit/loss from earlier sells)
1. less than $1K
2. between $1k and $10K
3. between $10K and 100K
3. between $100K and $1 mil
4. between $1mil and $10mil
5. between $10mil and $100mil
6. Above $100mil
Not sure if people would be honest in their answers, but am curious to see the spread anyway.
1, 1btc=1btc
my btc is 1.46 x higher than it was this morning
but it is 6x lower then it was when btc was at 67k
most sales were from 67 k down to 45k.
my gear is 3x what it was since the alltime high.
but even though it is all paid off and generates pretty good money my mining earnings are far lower than last year.
Way off topic my home value went from 400k to 600k in four months.
the wifes safe 401k lost 10% to inflation last year.
switching from btc and other coins to gear mitigates this drop in coin value.
Hang in there btc will rise again.