Some of you may remember that a few months ago I invested into Bitcoin heavily at the price of $36,850 per Bitcoin and was quite positive about the outcome. I am sad to say that the last few weeks have been difficult with the price of Bitcoin going down by a lot. I am still optimistic that Bitcoin will recover but seeing the price going down each day is a big contributor to my mood every day. I try not to look at the price but when I have invested this much money into btc it is hard to not look at the price. My wife has been great during these times and she has been the one person keeping me getting up every day. I read comments in this topic and most are positive and give me a bit of hope. I have not sold any of my Bitcoin yet and I do not intend to. My original goal was to keep it in until I could retire on it which I am prolly seen as a older gentlemen so it is not to far fetched but I was certain at the time I invested at the right time and now I am looking at a big drop and feeling the effects of that. I might stick around a bit and try and get involved in discussion a bit more then I have because I think most are positive and that could help.
1) Sounds like you have a great wife.... hodl.
2) What was your timeframe? if your retirement timeframe was not a plan to retire 2022,2023,2024..... then bro it is likely NO SWEAT at all.
3) Remember the halvening cycles, check the halvening cycles vs the price chart
4) If at all possible, set a price alert , set and forget , see where things are at run up to and post the next halvening
5) Do not dwell on the lost opportunity cost too much..... spilt milk
6) It
might well go down more from here, it
might not, but it might..... but see point 2 above ^
7) Remember you could have invested at 69K....
ps- oh, and the corn may well surprise you when you least expect it
pps- If you have a pet, a cat or a dog, or a horse... enjoy them, spend more time with them, make sure they are really happy, be their buddy, they are wonderful calming creatures (most of them lol) .....that really is priceless.
ppps- In a couple of years you will likely look back at your purchases and be saying "I am a fuckin genius"
All the best