"China is preparing for war. First, Xi orders Chinese banks to risk asses and insulate against potential U.S sanctions. Now Xi is directing Chinese nationals overseas to divest of any assets. China has been hoarding grains for over a year…Xi’s 1/5"
"playbook is obvious to anyone willing to connect the dots. In January 2020, China updated their “Foreign Investment Law” which gives Beijing the power and ability to NATIONALIZE FOREIGN ASSETS/INVESTMENTS under “special circumstances” which include war. 2/5
"In mid 2021, China’s new Counter Foreign Sanctions law enables Beijing to seize corporate assets and detain expat employees if the underlying corporation simply is complying with foreign sanctions. 3/5"
"The groundwork is being laid for complete seizure of foreign assets and investment in China. If you are an institutional fiduciary or any other fiduciary, you better be re-thinking your risk assessment of investing in public or private Chinese companies. 4/5"
"Investors lost everything in Russia and have tried to sweep it under the rug. They won’t be able to hide the hundreds of billions that will be lost in Chinese investments. 5/5"
roh roh US are doing all that for years. Why shouldn't countries like China and Russia do that as well?
Petro dollar is good but petro ruble is bad... for the US monopoly!
Well if China has 50% of the worlds grain, and the US holds 50% of the grain.....then..... problem.
Also, this does not mention energy (petro dollar)
Also, the other main part that is being pointed out are the moves from China to put in place legislation that will help them if they are going to be sanctioned, and why do you suppose that is? and about their want to repatriate assets to China (of course countering capital flight is a long standing Chinese policy) etc , and it is no secret they plan to increase their "sphere of influence" they have made this clear since the 80/90s.
..... but, it is not JUST this ^^, alone that is why I posted.... I have long held the belief that China and USA/West are
potentially on a collision course. There was a little window there perhaps 10-15 years ago where I had some hope that it would be averted, and that China would "come into the fold" , but alas I fear that they have gone the other way. China, imo, are
probably not ready yet , to make their move.... but somewhere between 2025-2032, I think there is a
possibility that they are on course for a collision with the west.
Much of the military industrial complex seems to be of the same opinion (on both sides) , it likely has already started, and "hostilities" are live right now, with "greyzone warfare" and /or "hybrid warfare"
If you look at papers published by both sides, they intend war first with political co-option , financial/trade wars, disinformation/misinformation, biological etc, for as long as possible, before any potential "hot war"
Anyways..... this whole situation will unfold and there is nothing any of us can do about it, it is part of a long and unstoppable arc, but, somewhere in here there is a black swan or two or three, like no other in the making