I'm not versed in trading lingo, but generally a bear market is defined by falling prices, no?
So when the bottom is in, you could argue that it's the end of a bear market.
Problem is how to know, if the bottom is really in...
Sometimes it really does not matter. In Jan 2015 the bottom was at $178 or so, but you could have bought it about 7 mo later at $210 with the bull truly starting around late September 2015. That was an almost perfect setup for DCAing for about 8 mo.
BTW, huge reversal in SP500 (from EXACTLY -20%), Dow, etc today. Maybe the bounce would start sooner than later.
Technically, you are correct in your description Biodom, and so those of us going through that 2015 to 2016 market (including 2014 too) may not have realized that we were out of the bear market until even later than September 2015.. Surely, in late October 2015/early November 2015 we had a short spike up to $500, and then largely we ended up getting stuck mostly in the lower $400s for about 7 months until the end of May 2016.. so in that sense, I have frequently asserted that we did not really get confirmation that we were out of the bear market until May/June 2016.. .. and so maybe these kinds of delayed labelings can cause quite a few problems because one thing is getting out of the bear market of 2015 and then confirming that we were in a bull market.. which was also a kind of delayed look at the matter that some people did not realize until later in 2016.. but also were scared into thinking that we might have been thrown out of the bull market in early 2017.. and then mid 2017 there was a lot of fear that the forkening wars were going to cause us to go back into a bear market but instead after August 2017 we got our blow off top, so by the time anyone might have labelled BTC as being in a bull market towards the end of 2017, the whole bull market was coming to a close and surely had a spectacular blow off top in the process.
Problem is how to know, if the bottom is really in...
i have buys sprinkled every 2K or so down to (currently) 24k or so. i never try to catch the bottom exactly i just slurp sats here and there on the downslide until the price moves up decently (say 4 or 5k maybe) then i figure that was the local bottom for that period and buy with whatever dry powder i have left for this period. reset every few months or as cashflow allows.
its not based in any ta or anything its just my lazy ass way of doing it. sometimes works sometimes not lol
It seems to me that many of us who have been in bitcoin long enough strive to attempt to profit from the UPs and DOWNs to the extent feasible.. but we have ended up being sufficiently enough in profits that we try our best NOT to get bogged down into too many details.. even though we might not want to run out of money to buy on the way down, sometimes we may well end up running out of money to buy much if any on the way down, too..
So it seems that those dynamics can be a bit frustrating, but in the whole scheme of things, they end up being first world problems in the sense that we already realize that we have made more money from our ongoing years in bitcoin, including those earlier years when we were more stressed out about the exact level of profitability of our holdings - maybe even lacking in profits for a period of time.. that relatively speaking we may well end up feeling somewhat spoiled by how we got to our position - and not completely luck and not completely skill.. but a certain level of earlier preparations and stick-with-it-ness.
Of course, many of us may have tried to build our emergency funds too.. so that we would not have to draw from our BTC during dips.. but at the same time, we may well likely realize that if were to end up experiencing a big surprise expense that goes beyond expectations, we can draw from our bitcoins, because we have gotten somewhat beyond the stages of earlier accumulation or maintenance and we have flexibility.
I do understand and appreciate that it could take guys just one cycle to get to such status, but it could take 2 or three cycles, which in part may well depend upon how assertive, aggressive, or just persistent a guy had gotten in his earlier stages of BTC accumulation.. We may realize that super aggressiveness might not have been needed in earlier days, but later down the road, it is seeming that higher levels of aggressiveness in BTC accumulation might be needed.. and for sure, guys are likely going to worry more about whether they have stacked enough sats and their need to attempt to take advantage of BTC price dips when their BTC stash seems to have not quite reached a kind of "care free" appreciation level.
Well there it is in black and white. They called the virus by name...
They should have called it llamapox
donkeybreath pox
rather than monkeypox..
So lame.. and no fun...