Now you (ImThour) are categorizing bitcoin as a shitcoin?
JJG, You got him wrong maybe. He was trying to poke me/criticize me because I said There are no stable coins that exist. I also said don't expect too much from Bitcoin. (Maybe he meant to expect from shitcoins then). I don't hodl shitcoins, but I have some BUSD for daily needs transactions.
Well, this is not the first time I've seen high-ranked members try to criticize newbies. I don't mind it. Surprisingly you caught him 🙃
Of course, any of us run a risk here if we are going too far down the stablecoin rabbit hole in terms of our discussion, yet I understand that there can be quite a bit of variability in terms of what kind of options that might be available to people in different geographical locations.. .and surely in this thread, historically we have been attempting to provide some focus on the BTC/USD pair - even though for sure there are members who trade or even get into or out of bitcoin through other fiat currencies.
At the same time, sometimes some of the members might not pay a whole hell of a lot of attention regarding which dollar-pegged coin that they might be trading in or out of because whatever exchange that they are using might not have very many (if any) options in terms of which dollar pegged coin they are using...
At the same time, the happenings of the past week or two with the UST (the terra coin) has highlighted that some stable coins may well be less stable than they had been marketing themselves to be... so yeah, many guys could have inadvertently gotten themselves in a BIG ASS pickle.. and also over the years, there have been regular members in this thread who have been asserting that the pumping forever dynamics of HODLing pure bitcoin is not enough for them, and there are so many other projects out there that will offer "yield" on your bitcoin.. and so many of the yield chasers got royally fucked in the past week or two.
Perhaps some were able to get out, or they were in a yielding stable coin project that so far has not ended up blowing up (going to zero or whatever).
I think that many of us have already been skeptical of various kinds of stable coins, but there does seem to be some differences in terms of if they are actually backed by collateral, and surely there have been governments who had been considering that some of their CBDCs might be modeled upon (or pegged to) various kinds of stable coins, so there may well be some revisiting of how to consider those kinds of CBDC projects - which are not likely to go away any time soon and cause potentially further confusion for many of us trying to figure out how our own interactions with bitcoin might end up overlapping into some of those kinds of projects - if it could end up being that we can ONLY get our value in or out of certain exchanges through stable coins or through CBDCs.. and yeah, maybe some of these various threats to privacy and confusion regarding actual stability, might lead more folks to either transacting directly with their bitcoin and/or seeking out like minded folks who want to transact directly with bitcoin - even potentially through second or third layer solutions rather than on the base chain.. even though in recent times, bitcoin's base chain has retained mostly decently reasonable processing times and rates, too.
I ...... was laughed at and attacked by tptb at the time.
What's it like getting attacked by tbtb?
I have never heard about any specific stories of an actual real peep actually getting attacked by tbtb.
From your tone, I imagine that such attack was not pleasant.
How long did such attack last?
How did such attack manifest itself?
Are tbtb in the room with us now?
Now you (ImThour) are categorizing bitcoin as a shitcoin?
Bro you getting old or blind, need a spectacles to read shit.
I called him out for calling Bitcoin a bad investment.
oh gawd