[edited out]
No, you feel the damn need to put yourself on a pedestal while coming into the conversation with FALSE claims trying to knock someone else down.
I was not saying that I was necessarily correct. I was saying that I thought that you were being presumptuous and patronizing with your assertions.... so if you perceive me to be on a pedestal because I expressed my concerns, that seems to be on you..
I have a LARGE respectful following who KNOW me very well and what I'm about.
Oh? Were you striving to increase your following?
I'm about LEGACY and you're about JUDGING according to YOUR appearance of someone else and only your appearance is what matters.
I am not even sure what that means, in respect to what you are about in contrast to what I supposedly am about.
Anyone in this thread should feel free to express their opinions, provide information and even to question information that has been presented, and surely some people back up their opinions better than others, and sometimes when we share ideas we gain another perspective about the information that we are analyzing... and for sure, we are not always going to understand information that is being presented and sometimes we might even reach wrong conclusions based on our lack of understanding.. while at the am time the genuine posters might have a lot of disagreement, but after a while they may well end up working out their areas of disagreement through back and forth postings... not always, but sometimes.
Getting into assessments of what I am about and what you are about seems to be going a wee bit astray of anything that really matters, no?
You can keep your damn so called king of the mountain here on bitcointalk.
That is your characterization.
You're only a damn tadpole...
Oh gawd... I am not even claiming to be that smart about anything.. I was just questioning your telling us that we need to learn your system in order to grow in life.. and maybe I was just too easily triggered and I should apologize.. .. hahahahaha
There is no reason for me to apologize merely because you seem to be getting all worked up because everyone is not sufficiently kissing your feet... You don't want to share your ideas no more because people
(this people?) question the seeming overcomplexity of your system?
By the way, I just did a quickie attempt to go back to look at your posts, and you seem like a real fucking crying and likely delusional baby to delete all of your posts.. take your marbles and go home while accusing other folks (namely yours truly) as if we (Royal in this case) were being disingenuine.. when you seem like the one who cannot even let your posts stand "as is" or "as they were."
You might even reach the level of some other discovered to be disingenuine folks in these parts when you are behaving like you have been while claiming ur lil selfie to be holier than thou.