they seem fine to me... I was walking through a beach area with a bunch of young folks partying down - and sometimes I was overhearing some of their nonsense conversations, and it seems like they do and talk about a lot of similar dumb shit as I used to do and talk about when younger...
Of course, the technology seems to change some of the matters - but still it is easy enough to see that some of the folks are more awkward than others and some of the chicks are more scantily dressed than others... not that I was looking very closely.. oh my, is she even old enough to have that beer in her hands? same shit, no? vaping instead of smoking, but still some smoking going on too...
I still go to tons of concerts and the kids sit there like lumps and don't even get up, its a disgrace.
classical music, maybe?
otherwise, it used to be a high energy affair...haven't been in maybe 5-7 years, though.
Classic rock/heavy metal.