[..much TA and words i dont understand..]
got it
you know, for us stupid peeps
I don't believe ANYONE in this forum is "stupid."
Either one "knows" or does not know. Either one invests the time to learn in order to get to KNOW it or they do not invest the time.
"Stupid?" No...
Without knowledge? Yes...
Time or no time to invest to gain this knowledge? Up to the individual...
For sure, you may well have some techniques that work for you and that you are willing to share because you believe that they are replicable.
Other guys here have techniques that work too... so no need to be patronizing about some kind of supposed superiority about your techniques, even if you believe that they are easily transferable..
For example, I already said that there seem to be too many things going on in your charts for me... hint, hint hint.. ... and sure you attempted to explain why that is to me, and I may well not be your preferred target audience because I am not really receptive to too many things going on in any chart at once.... especially if I do not understand it.. and yeah.. maybe I could understand it a wee bit better if I read more detailedly.. maybe yes and maybe no.. .but who fucking cares, right? gotta have the right audience, no?
I am sure that some guys in these here parts are ready, willing and able to sort through some of the aspects of what you are saying and even to attempt to grapple and engage with you on the presentation or the conclusions that you are reaching based on the weight of the various squigglies.. and some squigglies are more important than others, for sure...
Generally in this thread, I would suspect that there are ONLY a handful of the regular guys in these here parts who may well be ready, willing and able to follow the level of your detail and your explanations... whether you may well be correct or not.. and whether you have presented the matters.... relevant facts and conclusions well or not.. in order to achieve shared objectives.. also there are not too many guys in this thread who get into the nitty gritty of TA.. or even hard-ons about trading.. and frequently guys who emphasize TA too much are chided when they place too much emphasis on TA.. and that is when some of us might be able to understand the facts that they are making or the claims about what those supposed fact mean.. but if their TA is overly complex (which seems to be the tendency of yours) .. then you are likely going to have difficulties for guys to either agree or disagree with you because many of us are going to have little to no clues about your presentation and we should not be forced to have to learn detailed analysis in order to understand what you are saying.. which might demonstrate that you might be in the wrong thread.. perhaps? perhaps? and it is up to you whether you want to present information that has a lot of ideas presented at once and may well be not so easily digestible for even the most TA oriented of us to follow... in the event that we actually do want to attempt to follow what you are saying..
I have a hard enough time following my own ideas.
Now you are really presumptuous.. and patronizing.
Some of us are already rich as fuck.. so why are we going to presume your squiggly lines are going to improve our psychological or financial condition merely because you proclaim that we will be improved by studying such?
The brain surgeon, coder and nuclear physicist simply invested a lot of time to KNOW what they are doing... At least one hopes...
Same goes for a "consistent" analyst/trader...
Ok... you are saying that you are a successful trader. There seems to be little to no reason for any of us to presume that. Ultimately, each of us needs to figure out his/her own strategy in terms of his/her own particular situation... and there is quite a bit of variance in approaches that members take in this thread.. so instead of presenting ur lil selfie as a supposed expert, maybe it is better if you present your ideas in ways that are understandable.. instead of presuming that your method is going to work for a large number of folks in this thread merely if they sufficiently apply themselves to learning your techniques... blah blah blah.. again.. that is very patronizing and presumptuous.. even if you are the smartest trader since Einstein... hahahahaha wasn't Einstein a trader, too?
Gold to >10K (60tril)? Weird, but interesting.
how about splitting it 50/50 (gold:btc), 30 tril each or about $1.5 mil/btc?
How about: Fuck gold.
How about if you want to be a gold bug wannabe, then split btc/gold 99/1? seems reasonable to me for those brave enough to want to hold some gold and believe bitcoin might not be a sufficient enough hedge.