.... the whole CH4 argument as to it causing any "climate change" at all is even more unsupported with rigorous science than the CO2 fraud that has become a politicised juggernaut
... CH4 is quite a bit heavier than air and rarely gets above any significant height where it can change the atmospheric solar radiative absorbtion balance ... not only that it has a much faster cycle than CO2 and any changes increases/decreases are backgrounded into earth's other natural processes in 15-20 years
.... the massive topsoil layer of the Great Plains was the result of millenia of grazing bovines (buffalo) eating grass and depositing manure into the soil, this is an obvious net CO2 SINK out of the atmosphere into the soil, grazing stock are net carbon sinks even if you accept CH4 can have a net effect on radiative balance ( which it doesnt)
... methane beat up is just another manufactured hysterical crisis to exert more control over your lives, first it was energy (CO2) lies and now CH4 lies. ... it's all tidily lining up for control of the means of transport, production and food which is straight out of the communist playbook
... I'm not saying the commies are behind it but when you get more and more shaky, shitty science coming out of the same field (atmospheric sciences) then it's looking a lot like they are under the sway of some kind of political influence or political confirmation biases
... and look around you for the economic results, the evidence is looking a lot like a communist disaster zone that we've observed in many other countries that go down that crazy sociological path to devastation and ruin ... except it's now on a global scale
Marcus..can you honestly say that you have not noticed changes in your local environment? Summers maybe a little hotter and have persistent droughts and wildfires ..winters maybe colder in someplaces..maybe its more rainfall and flooding?
I do know that what I have observed suggests there is something impacting the climate. I dont know what is causing it but I also have observed urban sprawl, deforestation, pollution, reckless over extraction of irreplaceable resources both from the oceans and soil of our planet. Again, it doesnt seem like we have been doing a very good job of it and I think we can do better. Can we agree on that point? Just to try and make things a bit better than where we are right now? That is how progress is made I think...finding the common ground and start building from there. I dont know how long it will take to fix all of it but its probably a good idea to start on some of it sooner rather than later.
come on man