To have a chance to fully understand all this, you have to go way back, to the times around WW1.
You will probably see why it's best to not take any sides.
Narratives are stronger than facts (did i say that before?)
We may evolve beyond this, i'd suggest after some thousand years, at best.
Our brains are too small to withstand narratives, which make us stop thinking, or think less.
The good news: We have evolved so far that we are able to identify problems. Now we have to take the bigger step to be able to solve them, without causing more problems.
Maybe the 90% of our brain potential most of us don't use (according to Albert Einstein) would come in handy...
Bitcoin is now the only global payment system that won’t discriminate against anyone, regardless of their race, nationality, religion, politics, or actions.
This is going to become incredibly important in the coming decades.”
"Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
Somebody whose name i forgotThat's not somebody, that's a bumper sticker.