Are you just making shit up, ToxicMoxic?
most of the time, yes...havent found a play book yet that explains how this is all supposed to go just observing and reporting what I see juansnowgee
Fair enough.. but sometimes, you just seem to really go out on a limb.. that's for sure... or should we refer to it as fantasylandia?... hahahahahaa
snap out of it
snap out of it
you fuck
(nohomo)There is no absolute formula in terms of what has to happen before king daddy is able to go up, especially to suggest that it has to have some kind of opposite correlation to shitcoins.. and the extent to which there is correlation or not to shitcoins is all over the place. Much of the time they are hanging onto bitcoin's coattails until they are not.
Another thing. Remember April to June 2019? Do you believe that supports your point? I don't think so. in early 2019, there were a lot of folks suggesting that bitcoin was going to have to suffer with the purgening of the froth of alts.. and that shit did not happen. Bitcoin pumped and the shitcoins largely stayed stagnant.. who fucking knows what the shitcoins did because who was paying attention?
Anyhow my point is that there is no "x has to happen to shitcoins before bitcoin can pump".. that's nonsense, and you should realize that by now. Sure shit can happen including bitcoin and shitcoins going down together, but I am not going to presume that to be any kind of condition precedent - especially given the overall state of affairs at the moment.. whether considering what is going on with shitcoins, considering what is going on with macro-circumstances, and considering where bitcoin happens to be in its cycle (to the extent that anyone happens to believe in such "cycle" existing) and any other potentially relevant factors that I have not mentioned (mining anyone?).
whilst i agree in theory the proof is in the pudding as is said
Does not seem to be the correct expression... but hey.. go ahead.. 'splain ur lil selfie, if you must.
so we are not in a bear market...yet the last quarter sure looks like the beginning of one performance in a time of crisis when you would think everyone would flock towards a store of value has not been fact the opposite has been
I don't know if that is a healthy way of looking at the matter. Surely bitcoin remains a bit of it's own beast and does not really fit traditional definitions regarding bear/bull market - and of course, if any of us can get ahead of figuring out that we have transitioned into a bear market, then surely, that could be quite profitable kind of knowledge... but part of the problem is that BTC's price momentum has a large variety of factors.. and yeah, there have been people asserting that we have transitioned to a bear market since May 2021, then it appeared that maybe that was not correct until about late November 2021, and then the bear market proclamations started coming out again.. so yeah.. the longer that the BTC price stays down, there tends to be some depressing aspects that end up interfering with the uppity momentum and also converting our corrections into longer lived events.. and surely, we have been having some quite extensive corrections that's for sure.. that even causes the most bullish of bitcoiners to start to conclude that we might not be in kansas anymore (flippant way of referring to not being in a bull market anymore).
if you think bitcoin can pump to $100k on its premise as a store of value and drag all the other shitcoins up into billions of dollars of valuation go for it
I was not making any prediction.. I was merely criticizing you for your assertion about some kind of supposed "need" for bitcoin to decouple from the various crap that is out there.. yeah.. maybe there should be (or could be) a decoupling and maybe there is not.. but a "need" seems a bit much to be asserting coming from uie poo-ie.. When you say that bitcoin "needs to" decouple from shitcoins, then you are placing a pretty damned high (I believe too high) set of certainty regarding what you believe needs to happen.. that's all that I was saying.. that you were coming off as too certain regarding what you believe needs to happen.
I personally think most of the alts have zero value..and at most maybe a tenth of their observed market cap its not very realistic that these other projects just automatically go up or down in price because bitcoin does is it? I dont know..just seems like something needs work there
We've been seeing that kind of froth for the past 7 years, at least... and sure from time to time, there is a bit of a reckoning of the froth.. but still the froth seems to persist too.. so just seems like dreamlandia to believe that justice is going to come into the world all of a sudden.. I am a sceptic.. even though I do not disagree with the wish that such a thing would happen... in other words you seem to be getting too much into the prescriptive rather than descriptive in terms of your describing what you believe is going to happen or likely to happen.
so bitcoin pumps, alts pump...and then all of a sudden everyone wants to convert their alts that just pumped into bitcoin do you think all those swaps can be supported?...because it could stack up fast
I think that it is all over the place, and I am neither going to dabble in that bullshit or desire to spend much if any of my brainpower (to the extent that I have any) thinking about the multitude of directions that those crazy-ass ongoing frothy matters might go.
in fact I really dont care about the fiat price...we all know its worthless..or will be...its the ratio between bitcoin and alts that seems like it needs purging
Ok. there could be purging of the shitcoin froth in the next 1-3 months or maybe even lasting a year or so, as you suggest, or maybe there is no purging for a few years or maybe there is no purging for 20 years.... or 50 years... I am not really disagreeing with you that it may well come and it may well get nasty.. yet another problematic aspect is that you are now suggesting that king daddy has to somehow be wedded to whether such purgening happens or not? or when it happens? It seems to me, like I already said several times, that king daddy can pump whether shitcoins are purged or not.
its all very circular imo with no easy answers if you find any please post asap
I am not claiming to have the answer. I was merely criticizing for your because you proclaim to have the answer.. which probably has about a 50/50 chance of being correct... or maybe your particular answer has higher odds, such as 70/30, but it is no where even near the certainty that it "must" or "need to" happen that you were proclaiming to be the case.