Anyone using a savings account to "save" money and not hodling BTC is simply throwing assets away at an increasing rate.
Savings accounts don't even try to act like they're worthwhile anymore. I joined an online one back about a decade or more ago that was offering 3%. It's currently at about 1/3%. Laughable.
After all, who's going to want to borrow your money (a savings account is basically you lending money) when the central banks can just digitally print up a bunch extra and lend it out for cheap.
Many of us likely realize that historically banks had an incentive to get people to deposit money with them because they were limited in how much they could loan based on their deposits, and they were also limited in their abilities to invest in a wide-variety of non-bank related matters. Many of those standards disappeared, and probably there was a bit of purposefulness to it which has caused banks to have little to no incentive to give any shits about people depositing money with them because they can still create loans and create money for those loans out of thin air.. and they can both earn money in other ways by investing in all kinds of bullshit.. and also receive government hand-outs in the event that their undertaken risks don't end up paying off. It's a strange world ikn the sense that such scandalous, disingenuine and detached from the communities behaviors are allowed by those banking institutions that are acting like they are working within communities.. when they are largely not even incentivized to give any shits about anyone except themselves and perhaps their various shareholders.. that may or may not have connections in the community, as well.
Good job.. Wow!!! You blend right in.
Time flies...
BTCGosh.. not even much time has gone by.. I did not recall the Feds selling that many coins during the 2015 bottom... which would have been around $250 per coin.
I recall a couple of other sales in mid-to-late 2014... so in the earlier sale they had gotten closer $620 per coin and maybe the later one in that year they had gotten something in the ballpark of $400 per coin...
There could have been some more sales after that, and if you think about it, there were so many folks that were down on bitcoin during those times.. and even the whole of 2015.. even carrying out into 2016, even though the BTC price did start to show signs of recovery in late 2015 and also in mid-2016 for any folks able to recognize such signs of optimism regarding the underlying (referring to bitcoin).