Who be dat?
It's-a MEEEE cAPSLOCKIO! Here to pull the veil back on the flavor of crazy I have been cultivating for a while now. Don't worry I will not stick around muttering to myself and junking up the place... But indulge me for a moment.
"I've suffered a great many catastrophes in my life. Most of them never happened" -Mark Twain
"May you be able to see the future, but also be powerless to stop it" - some fictional Chinese asshole curse?
The only way to continue to delay the imminent financial collapse of the faulty world economic system and for the powers that be to remain in power, or at least take as much off the table before the floor caves in is WAR.
War, War and more War.
Crazy thing is for the longest time the majority of folks in the west at least have no idea that a war is not STARTING, but has been underway for quite some time now. We keep waiting for things like "missile strikes" which are coming... for sure. Do not doubt that.
But consider what WAR would look like with a worldwide information system that is controlled by the people waging these wars. Consider what war might look like when biological and chemical warfare is not dropped from planes, but fed to the populations of nations who gobble it all up willingly.
The mask has been off for those in power for some time. Neocons like Lindsay Graham and his delight over killing an entire generation of Ukranians so he and his friends can divide up the resources that country sits on. And uber wealthy socialist rubes like John Kerry who just openly stated that the First Amendment has made "governing" very difficult since he can no longer control the sources of where people get information, and there is no way to stop the "misinformation and disinformation". A concept that so many sleeping people are lapping up like pablum.
Put the right flags in your yard. Be on the side of the right people. Hate the right people. As long as you pick a side they do not care which you pick... I mean they have a preference, but as long as you hate the certain groups (often in the name of battling against "hate") then they can control you.
These people print money. LOAN (God, the hubris) it to poor countries that can never pay it back also demanding that that loan be turned RIGHT around and fed straight back into the western military war machine with all the powerful people greasing their palms along the way, and openly insider trading markets, buying mansions and mansions. Some of them will likely be assassinated before they get to enjoy the spoils of their deception. Looking at you Volodymyr. Maybe you should have stuck with the smaller comedy and acting career you had when you played pianos with your dick instead of upgrading your role to the world stage. But sweet Miss Lindsay is glad you chose to join them!!! You will most certainly be rewarded! ... ... I imagine you are fairly afraid at this point... I don't blame you. Best wishes, and good luck!!
It's kind of obvious to me that one recent play is to set up the narrative that Iran is trying to kill Donald Trump. Two birds... one stone. Get rid of an inconvenient politician (who is either truly out of sync with the powers that be, or is playing a fantastic role for them... hard to say, honestly) as well as justify a full scale attack on Iran so we can kill their children and take their resources. Iran has exactly NO REASON to assassinate Donald Trump. Lol. But the "news" will shout this out into the ether with all it's might until enough sleeping people believe, put the new signs in their yards and help the fight against "misinformation" as the useful idiots they are.
And maybe... maybe the next MK-Ultra'd sad sack having been groomed by the CIA will actually be able to make the kill shot. And the criminals and devils running all this will get what they want again. And we can start building planes, and missiles, and jobs and interesting new chemicals, and stimulate our economies once again! Let's all eat bowls and bowls of sugar fried in seed oils!!! HOORAY! We are winning again!
Though... there are other ways it could play out. The west may already be defeated and dying. Mostly hoisted upon it's own petard. Hard not to say good riddance if so. With an entire generation of children who are questioning whether they even want to TRY to work, and build a life since they are smart enough to see that it is no longer possible. They will never be able to afford a house. They cannot even afford rent for a shitty apartment. They are smart enough to see that... but most are not quite able to see that they are being teed up to be tapped right into the endless hole of surveillance, control, and oppression all in the name of community and fairness. If they promise to air drop me some of that sweet sweet CBDC "money" then I am all in. And I am glad if they take it from those other people... those rich people, no no not the ones in control... they can keep theirs, but those ugly ones... those ones who we do not just believe, but we KNOW do not deserve what they have. Any other opinion is disinformation! Right? Right! All the videos coming out of my phone have convinced me. This is the most rational and fair path.
Straight to hell. No hand basket even needed anymore... just download the app.
But this is all also quite tragic. Sad that one of the greatest tries at equality and freedom will have failed. Lost mostly because of it's own pride and hubris.
I will watch from over here, becoming a bitter old man, until all the shit I stupidly chose to put in my body all my life finally sets the cancer off.
Oh! And GO BITCOIN! I mean maybe... freedom tech can... Oh never mind... we're fucked.
P.S. If you read this and think I am crazy you are right. But if you read it and put me in some polarized box thinking I have some common political position then you are still sleeping in my arrogant opinion.