OT: All this talk in the MSM about the "relief rally" in stonks, and how the market "liked" the hawkish Fed news about tapering and potential 3 rate hikes in 2022.
Lol, what bullshit. The stonk market only likes free money, and more of it. They in fact hate tapering, and really hate higher interest rates. And they could give a shit about inflation.
A bunch of shorts got hammered, that is all.
What everyone should be very worried about is when the Fed really *does* start seriously tapering and raising rates. That would start the clock, and mean that another global black swan "event" is right around the corner. By design.
It's interesting to see the plan unfold.
It seems to me THIS phase is mostly focused on supply chain problems, particularly with food supply. They had no issue with killing us with an engineered virus, and they are going to starve some of us to death next. The most interesting part is the worldwide UREA shortage being created by China (of course).
This is a chemical which has an underestimated importance. Who knew the world would run on pig piss? But it does. It is a primary ingredient in fertilizer, and ALL modern diesel engines require it to run. It is not a requirement, in that the engine needs it. But the engines all now have systems built in that will either shut off the operation altogether, or seriously govern the speed when it is missing.
So this attack has a 2 pronged effect. It will make food harder/more expensive to produce. And it will make the delivery of all goods also harder and/or more expensive. So food production AND supply chains are going to shut down to some extent. And people will die.
We are JUST beginning to see the first effects of this attack. But I think it's going to get worse.
I personally drive a little 4 cyl diesel truck. I bought myself 20 gallons of DEF a little while back when I realized this attack was coming. So I will be good, for several years... probably overdoing it, but it will at least give western pig farmers the time needed to build the systems needed to produce this ourselves.
I have a slightly different take on this.
Yes urea can be sourced from animal products but it is usually synthesized, the process takes a huge amount of energy. From the production of the ammonia which is usually made from hydrogen processed from natural gas or LPG and reacted with nitrogen ( you may remember the Haber- Bosch process from high school chemistry) and then reacting the ammonia with carbon dioxide to produce urea.
Recently the cost of natural gas and energy in general has seen a huge increase.
Leading to the highest price I have ever seen for fertilizer, Nitrogen (urea) in particular. Almost double last years price.
If farmers use less nitrogen due to increased cost, crop yields will fall and food prices will rise affecting everyone but those in third world countries most as a far higher proportion of their income is spent on food than in the developed countries.
The cause of huge increases in the price of energy is deliberate and due to the insane pace of shutting down traditional carbon electricity generation before alternative sources are fully in place. And the pressure to shut coal mines and oil wells for the misguided climate agenda movement.
This is at best could be described as an oversight by our great political leaders or a deliberate attempt to use starvation and poverty to subdue the worlds population ahead of the great reset. (couldn't possibly be connected to the onward march of Marxism promoted by our own progressives and others worldwide)
I never understood the purpose of the climate hoax, not that the world is getting warmer (it has been since the last ice age) and that it's progress has been sped up by human activity but the predicted outcomes of doom and horror centuries into the future. Supposedly caused by a 2.0C increase in temperature. Absolute zero is -273C - 0 degrees Kelvin, if average world temp is 15.0C then we are at 288 Kelvin so even a 3 degree increase is just 1% more heat energy and this is supposedly going to catastrophically destroy the world. WTF I do not believe this.
So the climate hoax has everything to do with controlling people through fear and it is working, especially on young people who's anxiety levels about so called climate change are making them ill. This allows governments to bring in ever increasing draconian measures to control their populations. Increased energy prices to fuel inflation, increased money supply to add fuel to the inflation fire and people being softened up through the resulting poverty inflation brings.
Couple this with the Anthony Fauci backed research on Corona Virus at Wuhan institute of Virology, the experiments (to modify virus to be able to infect human cells) were not allowed to be conducted in USA labs, so were outsourced to Wuhan along with $millions of grants to upgrade their bio-security there. This is likely to be a deliberate release of a virus given the level of bio-security at Wuhan. Which now has the entire world in the grips of yet more fear. The time has never been better for those with totalitarian visions to strike.
There is a reason the communist China banned Bitcoin and that progressives like Sen Elizabeth (marxist) Warren would like to see it banned. Is that it can play a great part in thwarting their ambitions for a world wide (nightmare) communist state by giving power to those who would oppose such a plan.
(The shit that revolves around in your head when you are driving a tractor)