The vast majority of political theorists and/or strategizers recognize and appreciate the concept of scoff law, and they are not going to want to create an underground system, but sure I would not put it past them to play various kinds of cards that attempt to require some kinds of custodial services or otherwise reporting requirements - and the balance may also play out delicately in terms of how it may well have backlash repercussions for potentially more friendly jurisdictions - currently El Salvador, but surely others jurisdictions are going to be stepping up to the bitcoin optionality plate that recognizes and appreciates various oppressive aspects of our current monetary system (dominant dollar).
My theory is that in the future most banks will offer bitcoin custodial services, but it'll be like PayPal, where you will be able to convert some of your fiat balance to bitcoin and they will hold it for you, but in order to make a withdrawal it you'll have to go back to a fiat balance first (aka sell first). Because banks will start playing the fractional reserve scheme (scam?) with everyone's bitcoin.
One unique thing about Bitcoin is since it CAN be self custodied, and is a bearer asset both individuals and businesses will be able to avoid these sorts of traps. So if the world you theorize develops, so might a parallel world which will challenge the people playing games with Bitcoin. Perhaps even destroy them. Hal Finney also talked about this in his famous "Bitcoin Banks" post I like to quote so much...