Lol the people who don't understand the deflationary nature of BTC and sold are going to be bitter once this dip is quickly eaten up again... Nows the best time to buy I would say.
Or long, with badass leverage.
I'd go for 75x or even more.
On way to go from being
kind of a coiner with a 0.3292433 coiner stash to a no coiner.. quickly.
Very quickly.
How many times do I have to post
this before it sticks?
Just posting something like that will not necessarily
make it so.
Who do you think you are?
Some kind of
commando trekkie?
He'd better not be wearing a WO hat.
Kind of looks like it..
It's gonna hurt your franchise, homer.
Think about it froggie..
BTC prices went up 85% in about 6 weeks without any correction that was greater than 12%.. so this correction of 19% (so far) should not be considered as any kind of BIG deal beyond possibly a buying opportunity - to the extent that BTC prices even stay down for very long, at all.
I hope same think The way Bitcoin has been on the rise for the last few weeks needs some correction because now some more new people will be joining Bitcoin. Bitcoin has corrected and moved closer to it's highest point, but it would be a mistake to estimate how much Bitcoin's breasts actually are.
I would not proclaim that BTC actually "needs" a correction, but more that we should not be surprised when a correction happens,.. even a 19% (so far) correction.. does not seem unusual to me at all.. especially given where we are at and how we got here. I don't exactly know what bitcoin needs, but I am not going to be surprised if the BTC price does not just continue in the same direction perpetually.. that would not make too much really any of us who have been in BTC for a while should not be shocked by this kind of correction, even though the vast majority of the wick down was quite violent and happened in about less than 20 minutes from $50k to the $42,900 bottom of this "so far" correction.
I am not sure what you mean by "breasts" Subbir? Are you talking about tops?.. I will say that going from $28,600-ish to $52,956 was a possible sub $55k stopping point before entering into noman's land (from about $55k to $80k).. which is a kind of area that is close to the previous $64,895 top.. so I have a kind of sense that when the BTC price starts getting close to our current ATH of $64,895, then it is likely to just shoot to that price point and to shoot right past it.. and our current correction (so far) does seem to provide some abilities to the buying support to keep up to make it a wee bit more likely to be able to pass through noman's land (of about $55k to about $80k) without too many corrections nor pauses therein...
I am just attempting to outline a sense of what could happen in regards to bitcoin dynamics when we start getting towards previous ATHs, especially if there has been a significant interrim since last visiting such previous ATH (and so far we are at nearly 5 months since we
were kissed
tm (d_eddie) $64,895, rather than what will end up happening because in the end, sometimes BTC's actual price performance will not play out in ways that seem to have amongst the higher level of chances... so we will see? we will see?