For example,
entry-level BTC accumulation goals through the years may be considered like this:
Prior to 2013: 100 BTC
2013-2016: 21 BTC
2017-2019: 10 BTC
2020: 1-5 BTC
2021: 0.21BTC to 1 BTC
This is so accurate that I now officially feel poor.
I feel like making an attempt at fleshing some of these ideas out a bit more.
I would suggest that you (fillippone) first attempt to get your 0.21BTC accumulated, and work your way up.
I already disclosed that at one time in recent history I had achieved 3x that level
(whether I can hang onto them is another story), so we can continue to work our way up in terms of our level of stash and we can only do what we can do.
I would think that with the passage of time, our earlier abilities to reach levels of BTC accumulation will become more and more out of reach of normies... just think about those pre-2017 guys/gals who actually reached the then entry-level BTC accumulation goals, which were surely
reachable for a vast majority of normies, even if NOT necessarily easy for some normies to accomplish the reaching of those goals with ease.. but yes the same goals of BTC accumulation levels of earlier times seem so damned difficult for normie normies to reach now.
Just consider that so much of the time in the 2015 time-frame that BTC prices were in the mid-$200s and that was for the vast majority of 2015, so there should have been reasonable, prudent and persistent ways that normies could have reached the 21 BTC goals with less than $10k of dollar value, and perhaps reaching such levels of 21 BTC or more for as low as $6,300 would have been reasonably achievable for quite a few normies.
Are those supra 21 BTC peeps 1337 status now? Maybe not exactly 1337 status, but they have levels of BTC that would be really damned hard for a lot of normies and newbies into bitcoin to achieve. Let's just take the earlier 21 BTC goal that might have been achieved by some of the pre-2017 peeps. The spot price of those 21 BTC is very close to $1 million with BTC prices currently hovering around $47k, so maybe we might consider that a decent number of normies might be able to set aside $5k to $50k per year to invest into bitcoin, but if BTC spot price does not come down in any kind of significant way, then they are going to have trouble getting up to 21 BTC. So wouldn't their already having 21 BTC make them a kind of 1337, and sure there could be questions about if they are overallocated into BTC, too.. but for sure, there could have been ways to diversify some of the allocation over the last 4 years, too.. (and I am not talking about shitcoins, you fucks -
not referring to you fillippone).
So even if some kind of then bitcoin newbie were to have gotten to 21 BTC status prior to 2017, then the subsequent 4 years could have been a wee bit of a challenge to hang onto such 21 BTC or to retain the BTC at that level by perhaps having had accumulated more than 21 BTC in order to attempt to project out that s/he would have BTC management systems in place to be able to maintain a certain level of BTC - whether that be 21 BTC or some other number.. so there are probably a decent number of us who strive to maintain some calculations of the number of BTC that we want to attempt to retain even if the BTC price is going up.. and then considerations regarding how to maintain our stash above a certain level whether that be 21 BTC or some other level that fits for our personal circumstances.
One thing is being a bitcoin millionaire (in terms of spot price dollar value), and surely one of the dangers of attempting to measure from spot price or to figure out how to account for the UPs and downs in the event that maybe the BTC HODLer might not have any investments beyond bitcoin, then perhaps their wealth level is way too much precarious considering that bitcoin is not only volatile but near inevitably volatile. In that sense, I have some preferences to measure either the 208-week moving average (currently approaching $15k) if we are in a bear market or the 104-week moving average (currently at $22k) if we are in a bull market.... so in that regard, maybe the person with 21BTC might consider himself/herself to ONLY have $315k of BTC value or $462k of BTC value depending on if the consideration is that we are in a bear market or a bull market.
Yes, a decent number of us do get distracted and even tempted by BTC spot price, and for sure, I am not going to deny spot price as being a real consideration that might need to be accounted for, so for example, if we know that we have to cash out some BTC in the coming year to 4 years, we might just want to make sure that we are able to be able to get through the whole period of time in case the BTC price does end up turning against us, and sure we may well end up with a lot of regrets if we measure by spot price and then we shave off a decent portion of our BTC (let's say we shave down from 21 BTC to 15 BTC), and therefore we get $329k at $47k from those 5 BTC that we decided to sell at today's spot price, but then the BTC price does not ever come back down to these $47k price levels ever again.. so we cannot really know if shaving off too much of our BTC stash might cause us to have to lower our BTC accumulation / maintenance level aspirations.. because we might not be able to get to our previously accumulated / maintenance level of 21 BTC ever again.
Maybe one more scenario that I should attempt to outline in this context, is the guy/gal who has already achieved a traditional investment portfolio of $1 million? Yes, the amount achieve in the investment portfolio could be some smaller amount, but I am using $1 million just to attempt to juxtapose the hypothetical bitcoiner that got into bitcoin prior to 2017, and achieved and has been able to maintain 21 BTC throughout this whole time, to the person who has $1million in traditional assets in terms of getting to 1337 status or being at 1337 status... Even though there could be ways of proclaiming that the 21 BTC bitcoiner is in much more of a precarious position with his/her 21 BTC, I would still suggest that there do seem to be some advantages in having the 21 BTC versus not having the 21 BTC, and having a $1 million in traditional investment assets (as a no coiner), for example.
If a no coiner guy/gal comes to bitcoin with $1 million in various investment assets, it is NOT very likely that such a guy/gal is going to unwind all of those positions and go 100% into bitcoin. That makes little sense, and I would not even recommend it.. but unwinding all of the various traditional investment positions and going "all" into BTC with those traditional investment would get that guy to 21BTC at today's prices.. even though it is not recommended as reasonable, prudent or practical.. but whatever.. people do dumb things and yolo even with having had achieved $1 million - but not as likely if s/he spent a decent number of years building those various traditional investment positions rather than newly coming upon such wealth, such as a lottery winner or someone who had inherited the money.
Personally, I would be suggesting somewhere in the 1% to 10% allocation into bitcoin for the newbie and for him/her to learn about bitcoin, and sure, if s/he is a quick study like Michael Saylor, s/he might go way more aggressively into bitcoin. So even the more aggressive within my recommendation of putting 10% into BTC is only going to get that person around 2.1 BTC at current prices ($100k/$47k), and sure over the coming years, the person could study bitcoin and fairly aggressively continue to invest, and maybe end up getting into something like a 5 BTC allocation.. so the person with 21 BTC is likely going to continue to be more 1337 status than the newbie investor coming into the space, even if the late comer still might be able to get to a decent level of BTC accumulation in the years to come and probably one of the only ways that the late comer is going to catch up to the 21 BTC HODLer is if the 21 BTC HODLer screws up his/her BTC management in the years to come, and they both end up with similar levels of BTC and/or other wealth.
TLDR: Overall, I just have been attempting to make a kind of argument regarding how 1337 status can be perceived of relatively low levels of BTC accumulation because it may well be difficult for various kinds of normies to catch up to a BTC accumulation level that had been somewhat easier to achieve, but later becomes much more difficult (impractical, infeasible, imprudent) to achieve, even for traditionally rich folks who are later comers to BTC.