I have quite a few reservations about the perspectives of the anti-vaxers.. es tpecially the ones who are seeming to just spout off whatever nonsense that they expect that is hardly based on any kind of solid evidence, besides their own fantasy wishes.
But at the same time, it probably would be problematic to just do whatever the fuck our doctor says, too.... so definitely doctors and the various aspects of the medical system do need various kinds of push-back from the population because sometimes doctors also get caught up in pushing one thing or another without really having much if any actual science backing them up and sometimes based upon sources (whether we are talking about insurance companies, politicians or drug/food industries) that are pushing their own agendas that are not necessarily in the interest of the individual patients (or member of society - aka pleb, aka normie, aka us peeps).
By all my indicators, the current downing is not yet done downing
$33.2k trying to hold, but not looking good...
May be out of the woods for now. The negative pressure seems to have backed off and we have a pretty decent chance of settling out to the $32k-$33k range. Dipped down to $31.5k a couple times and then the pressure seemed to just dissipate. Weird Weird, & weird!
Doh! Spoke too soon, Downward pressure is back and we may be headed to $$32k territory.
Yeah.. exactly.. we are back to $32k, until we are not... One of the difficulties of getting involved in short-term nonsense (noise) remains the fact that it's all over the fucking place, even if you might have your favorite short-term theories which way the shadows might be currently moving in the cave, how far they might move, and why.