By the same token, just because a person has covid when they die, doesn't mean they died of covid. It's portrayed in quite the opposite manner though; it IS a covid related death even though they may have died due to taking a shower.
That's a pervasive conspiracy theory but not really true in most cases. IIRC some states (Oregon?) at one point didn't separate deaths "from COVID-19" and "with COVID-19" but the discrepancy is minimal even if you extrapolated it to the whole country. Your own assertion that 10% of people tested positive combined with normal annual death rate (below 1%) shows that this would barely make a dent in the 600k number.
Okay, I realize people are dying with covid but excess deaths on a 5 year average which doesn't take into account shifting age demographics or increasing population doesn't show us anything that would help to answer the question I posed. We know that around 600,000 people in the US have died while either confirmed positive with covid or considered a presumptive covid case so far - I am not questioning that. I'm not denying that covid is real or bad. My question was, how many lost years of life does that represent as compared to lost years of life due to the negative vaccine side effects on the entire population of earth + booster shots for the rest of our lives. After all, we're targeting 100% vaccination while only about 10% of the US population has tested positive for covid-19 and the mRNA technology is new and still experimental.
Death rates are quite stable year to year except for events like swine flue and now COVID-19. CDC data on this is quite extensive so if you can find something there to support your hypothesis please share. I don't really see anything like that. Even if you take VAERS numbers as vaccine-caused deaths (gross exaggeration) it's still quite obvious that the vaccine dramatically (~ ten-fold) reduces the risk of death or complications from COVID-19 and that is true among all age groups. Why would anyone not take a lower chance of death over a higher chance is quite puzzling but that's the funky times we live in.
The graph you showed us doesnt address the death
rate. It addresses 'excess' deaths by using the previous 5 year average and subtracting it from the current number of deaths. On top of that, it divides the 'excess' deaths by the previous 5 years averaged deaths which amplifies the value even further and displays it as a percentage.
When you consider an increasing population, if the death rate stays constant, you
will have more deaths year over year anyway. You amplify that difference by subtracting the previous 5 year average which will be lower because the population was lower and call it 'excess deaths'. Now you take that number and divide it by the previous 5 year average deaths which again is lower because population was lower and you get an exaggerated value which is barely passible as a valid result. It also captures the heatwave deaths from 2020 which were an anomaly compared to the average of the previous 5 years (though there was a heatwave in 2016). These are the statistics that lie; the ones 4 out of 5 of our parents warned us about 90% of the time. It's a crude measurement which is an indication that there might be something happening which warrants an investigation.
How do we explain the elderly group dipping into negative territory in early 2021? I've already said that there are more elderly as a percentage of population and the population in 2020 was higher than the previous years as well. Disregarding covid, we should see excess deaths in that period as well but we dont. Does this mean the vaccines prolonged life beyond even pre-covid life expectations? Have we found the Fountain of Youth in the form of an mRNA vaccine? Maybe it means that spike in November we attribute to covid took out those who would have died 3 to 6 months later of something other than covid anyway but that's speculation and probably not something we would base our covid response on.
It probably goes without saying but I think we've overreacted to the covid pandemic. I'm sick of the travel bans and lockdowns, I'm appalled at the economic devastation we've caused and I resent being essentially jailed for the last 18 months only being allowed day parole to attend to my
essential businesses' needs while carrying a special letter in case I get stopped outside of my curfew or standing outside in endless lines 6 feet apart yet still wearing a mask waiting to shop for basic needs. Remember when the news of the pandemic first broke and people all over the world rushed to the stores to buy all the food they could and they eventually had to limit the sale of sanitizer and paper products to one per customer? I wish we would periodically adjust our covid response as well. I think we've all seen one too many zombie apocalypse movies... our political leaders included.