'In a new study, Yale researchers show that a single dose of psilocybin given to mice prompted an immediate and long-lasting increase in connections between neurons. The findings are published today (July 5, 2021) in the journal Neuron.
“We not only saw a 10% increase in the number of neuronal connections, but also they were on average about 10% larger, so the connections were stronger as well,” said Yale’s Alex Kwan, associate professor of psychiatry and of neuroscience and senior author of the paper.
Previous laboratory experiments had shown promise that psilocybin, as well as the anesthetic ketamine, can decrease depression. The new Yale research found that these compounds increase the density of dendritic spines, small protrusions found on nerve cells which aid in the transmission of information between neurons. Chronic stress and depression are known to reduce the number of these neuronal connections.'
These 2 stories are actually very well interconnected. Studies have shown that in about 80% of cases studied, psilocybin administered in a heavy dosage (I think it was 2.5 micrograms per 10lbs body weight, but I'd have to look it up) Anyway 8 out of 10 cases were completely cured of all alcohol & nicotine addiction. It was left as an open question as to whether other drug addictions would show similar results because they were careful to screen out any drug addicts to avoid possibly contaminating the other aspects of the studies findings. Those subjects who had positive results were also found to be 1 magnitude higher in trait openness even 18 months later, and all considered the experience to have been the most sacred experience of their lifetimes. However only 20% expressed any desire to ever repeat the experience. (This was part of a discussion on a podcast with Jordan Peterson)
Damn! You had me right up until Jordan Peterson.
Well I couldn't remember the name of the neuroscintist he was discussing these studies with (it wasn't Dr. Peterson's research they were discussing) but thought it might be easier to find the conversation if I mentioned that it was in one of his podcasts.