Which one(s) (shitcoin/s) are they attacking, and how do you know?
You believe that such a thing happens so quickly?
Take for example our correction to $3,124 in November 2018 (sure I appreciate that we are not exactly in the same place but similar short-term principles/dynamics could apply?). I recall that we got stuck in mid-to-upper $3ks for several months, but then the move from $3.8k to $4.2k took about the whole month of March to play out before our April 1 break out that ended up lasting for three months and brought us a 3.5x.
So, sure the dynamics could be different here because one thing is trying to break above $40k or is it $43k or is it $46k in order to get the sense that we are returning UPpity, but then we end up running into a new question in terms of whether there is going to be some sticking points - and surely many of us would be flabbergasted by anything close to a 3x or more price run, even if it took 3 months to play out.. but of course, reaching all new time highs would have its own kind of self-fueling effect, presuming that we could first get some of the momentum to get above the first resistance points in the $40ks - wherever that break might be.
Seems too early to come to that conclusion, even if it might end up being true.. and even if the odds seem to be against it..
A bear market would presume end of the cycle... and so I surely am not willing to call a correction a bear market unless this thing takes a couple of years or more to play out to get us back to ATHs.... so it still is going to depend upon how low we go and how long we stay there before a bear market would correctly label where we are currently at.
Even that kind of a scenario (of a correction lasting less than 4 months) would likely rise to the level of something that would compare less severe (relatively speaking) than our 2013 mid-year price lull period, even though it might feel more dramatic and drastic for some of us while actually going through it, rather than looking at the other one on the historical charts.
Of course, none of them were in the 50% correction territory.. but at least they were in the midst of a price rise, so probably goes to show that it remains difficult to compare any two periods - even though the comparisons can give us some ideas of whether what we are experiencing is relatively more or less severe and if it might be feasible to go up from here rather than conceding that our direction would inevitably end up down rather than up.
Sure, likely you are correct that if we end up in 6 months of either down or sideways, we may well have to reconsider where we are at - and even right now, we are still only two months into the down than then mostly moving in a $30k to $42k range (and one, so far) bounce below $30k.... so even revisiting sub $30k again may well tell us that this correction is NOT over.. even if it has been about 3 weeks since we even saw sub $30k... .. but of course, can't be counting our chickens before they hatch and we remain in sub $30k striking distance, for sure.. which is currently causing me to be looking at supra $40k in order to feel comfort, and probably $46k plus would cause me to start to gain high levels of confidence and perhaps even stick out my tongue... with an under the breath proclamation that the "bottom is in"