The first Brit to get vaccinated
dead within six months.
The first Canadian to get vaccinated
dead within six months
These cases are just noise. Isolated cases. If my neighbor wins the National Lottery, it doesn't mean everyone will win. But that's what people see, and they go and gamble their money away.
Currently, there are more than 1,500,000,000 fully vaccinated people (more than 3,000,000,000 doses administered) worldwide. Even if there are 1000 deaths that are provably caused by the vaccines themselves and no other illnesses, this is still a near-zero mortality rate (0.000067% to be precise).
Problem is, out of the 1,500,000,000 vaccinations, the mass media will say nothing about the 1,499,999,000 people who are healthy and protected, but they will be screaming 27/4 about the 1000 deaths.
If all vaccinated people die 6 months after getting the vaccine, there will be nearly a billion deaths by the end of the year. Not a long way away. We'll see...
Sorry, it was a sneaky way to get a different discussion going. The people dying in 6 months will be exactly as the ones I've shown because we vaccinated the most elderly first. It's not the same as a lottery win to die at age 80+ in fact, it's pretty much the opposite. Those two deaths above are not noise nor are they isolated cases. They were common age-related deaths which happen every day, everywhere and let's assume they had nothing at all to do with the vaccine. Had they not gotten the vaccine, they
might have contracted covid and died sooner but their deaths would have occurred, at most, 6 months earlier. Vaccinated people are still getting covid and dying (still mostly elderly) while some people are dying from the vaccine at a very young age. If we had listened to the vaccine companies when the first young people began to die from vaccine-related causes, there would most certainly have been more premature deaths due to the vaccines. Some countries were quicker to act than others on banning certain vaccines or age-restricting their use. We won't know until the dust settles which deaths were more unacceptable. Will the number of months of life saved using the vaccine be greater than the number of years of life lost by the same vaccine? Since they're already talking about annual booster shots, this might be something we need to consider. Maybe we'll never do the math because it could only ever be speculation on either side of the equation.
Mass media
isn't screaming about the 1000 deaths!! If they were, we would all know that it's more than 1000. (VAERS reports say 5700 deaths post vaccine in the USA alone) So no, they're fully onboard with the current vaccination program and they were instrumental at reporting the number of daily deaths "due to covid" without giving context. However, those 1000 vaccine deaths (let's call that an accurate number) at an average age of 30 which has shaved an average of 50 years off of each life, equates to 600,000 lost months of life (worth screaming about I would say) which is the 6 month life extension granted to 100,000 elderly people who received the vaccine... we hope. Of course we don't know if they would have lived longer than that 6 months had they not received the vaccine (Hank Aaron age 86 lasted only a few days post-vaccine but died of "natural causes" did he even need the vaccine?! Was it really beneficial?) and there doesn't really seem to be a great interest in finding that out anyway. I know, I know... long covid, right? Well, what about long vaccine? Does it only cause
very premature death or a sore arm? I find it hard to believe there aren't many other levels of debilitation in between those extremes. We are slowly finding out that there other effects but each one is called "rare" and each one affecting a younger audience as they move their vaccine program toward our children and soon our babies. It's fine to call 5 to 30 out of 1,000,000 rare but if you have multiple "rare" effects, at what point will we decide that the negative effects from the vaccine are not rare? When we start getting annual boosters then it becomes 2X (rare+rare+rare+rare) and 3X (rare+rare+rare+rare+rare)... (no. of years you live)X((rare+rare+rare+rare+rare+rare+(any other newly discovered debilitating effect)). They've already decided based on short term limited testing that the vaccines are safe and effective so until other problems present themselves, it's full speed ahead with the vaccine program. New 'rare' potentially deadly side effects are only studied as they arise and only after it becomes painfully obvious that they are attributable to the vaccine and you can be guaranteed push-back from the vaccine companies who will initially claim "it's no more common with the vaccine than it is in the general population" until some
German scientist shows causality and finds the mechanism of injury at which point they just become silent on the issue and keep producing the same vaccine. This is the largest experimental vaccine program (maybe even the largest known science experiment) in the history of mankind. We can only hope it ends well.
I'm rambling... too much caffeine - that's another long story