You hardly make any sense on this point Richy.. You seem to be wanting to spout out some kind of nonsense about bitcoin being "grandpa coin" which is hardly even close to the case. As you likely realize, but maybe fail to appreciate, is that bitcoin remains paradigm shifting technology that has come along way since its October 2008 white paper and its January 2009 activation.. and there have surely been tweaks and developments along the way that keep it serving its original objectives and amazing levels of adoption, development, network effects, and future potential that is already built on strong foundations that you want to ongoingly poo poo as if some shitcoin might be better, even though you admit there is nothing that even comes close, but you still want to whine about grandpa coin not being enough for you. I hardly get your purpose, but hey hopefully some day you will figure out some ways to balance a bit more, and maybe get to fucking work on chartbuddy, so we can at least get some pleasures to balance out the pain of having to put up with your ongoing seemingly persistent whinings... #nohomo... you fuck.
I like the car, really. And you may well disagree that the tire is flat but when we're heading down the road and a fellow passenger asks what the thump-thump-thump-thump is coming from the back left wheel, I'm going to tell them what I believe to be the cause. If there was no thump-thump-thump-thump, there would be nothing to be said.
You merely added more facts to establish that the tire is really flat, but just making up more facts to add to the scenario does not turn the non flat tire into a flat one - merely because your hypothetical takes it in that direction.
I mean that there are a lot of angles we could work this tire analogy, and if the tire really were flat, then I have no problem acknowledging it, but if the tire is merely low on air pressure or if it is starting to get worn and might need replacement, those are different variations in which the some attention or precaution might be needed to keep using the tire under that condition, but it would not necessarily mean that the tire cannot be used, but it might not be adequate for some purposes but still be adequate for other purposes and before winter comes it will be update or before going on a long trip air will be added.
Chartbuddy is currently under contemplation.
Would be an interesting development... and surely no straight forward thing to keep going... concededly beyond my pay grade..