Ahem, if someone has a current $36 mil btc position, why $70K shaving off would have any significance to their plans?
It wouldn't as it's basically ant's food amounts.
Listen to this, maybe finally you learn something useful:
https://youtu.be/wnQJ8ROyhrM?t=1545Alas, you just don't get it after all those years, but hope springs eternal.
So yeah, you are trying to suggest that you are supposedly correct with whatever the fuck that you are doing in terms of still wanting to accumulate coins but failing/refusing to disclose some of your detailed strategy but such strategy seems to involve quite a bit of anticipating and hopening that the BTC prices do not go up more or that BTC prices go down more because you failed and refused to stack enough BTC when the BTC prices were lower so you are regretting that you are not pee pared enuff ur lil selfie.. so since you are so fucking nervous about the inadequacy of your BTC stash, you are thinking that everyone else (including your truly and other peeps who are active in this thread) need to feel as nervous as you about not having enough coins.. blah blah blah, and contrary to your presumptions and assertions a decent number of the peeps who have been active in this thread, including yours truly, did pee pare our lil selfies for UPpity, and even some of us truly did stack way the fuck too many coins too early... too bad that you were to preoccupied with down or flat rather than adequately and meaningfully preparing for the UP that ended up playing out.
Sure, I understand that bitcoin is so generous, so even whining and pointing the finger at others fucks like yourself who try to act like they are adequately prepared for UP, you are still rewarded because bitcoin is quite generous in terms of its UPpity, so even if you make mistakes by NOT getting enough bitcoin, bitcoin still rewards you with whatever inadequate supply that you had created for yourself. So I am not even proclaiming that you do not have a decent amount of coins or that you are not profiting from your coins, but the fact of the matter remains that you did not adequately prepare for UP and you are regretting such lack of preparations even if a lot of your understanding of your lack of preparedness for up is in a kind of denial status.. because you deny stock to flow, but now you are realizing that BTC's price is following stock to flow but you anticipated that BTC prices would be at $10k-ish or less than $10k.. but too bad, they around 6x higher than you expected.. and you do not have enough coins that you can shave some off without getting all fucking worried about not having enough coins. sucks to be you.
Why do you think that you know anything about my situation?
It all a bunch of baby-talk gobbledygook.
You try to read too much into people and it is misfiring 100%, at least in my case.
I know enough, and sure if you might want to provide more details that could be helpful to the extent that you are wanting to compare how one bitcoin method/approach/strategy might compare to another one. As I have said nearly a zillion times, if there is such a number, there remains a decent amount of value in personal tailoring of approaches, and even the employment of one approach may well not exclude that other approaches might be simultaneously incorporated. So for example, there could be an employment of a system like mine and also some portion of the BTC stash could also be used as collateral too, and of course, other systems such as creating of trusts for portions of the value or whatever.
And, yes Biodom, you are correct in your assessment that the sales of BTC seem to be so damned small, so why do them? But you are wrong in the assumption that is built into your proclamation in the sense that there can be both value in doing the sales on an ongoing basis and also, even if ongoing sales of BTC might seem small they can surely add up when they are added together, so even for the guy with the 600BTC that are valued at $36 million at $60k, a sale of $70k ever $3,333 would add up to more than $1.26 million if the BTC price were to double to $120k./..
So that guy with around $36 million BTC holdings at $60k ends up having around $72 million in value of his BTC holdings at $120k, and sure maybe he ended up shaving off $1.26 million so he ends up ONLY having around $70.74 million when the BTC price reaches $120k.. Yet, I would consider that he has not significantly shaved down his BTC value in any kind of meaningful or material way that is really going to negatively affect him, but instead gives him options.. and perhaps even more options than he would have had if he had left all the value in BTC, and at the same time, this guy ends up having an extra $1.26 million of pocket change to be able to spend or to reinvest or to do whatever he would like with such moneys.. Seems like those piddly little amounts of $70k every $3,333 or $210,000 every $10k ends up adding up to me, whether we are talking about the guy with $36 million or some of the guys who are lower down on the BTC value package list that I had provided in my earlier post and the system seems as if it could apply to any of the guys whether we are talking about the ones at the top, some of them in the middle and maybe even those at the bottom, perhaps.. even though of course, the situation does seem to be helped quite a bit if there is a certain level of value or even objective assessment of having had been over invested which well could be a more difficult case to make for the guys who only have 10 BTC or 15 BTC, even though on a substantive value basis, the ones lower on the portfolio value perspective might not really have enough BTC to be employing such strategies - though those remain personal calls in terms of coming to assessments about their total situations and considerations about whether if they have enough BTC, or if they consider themselves to be overly invested in BTC or not.
JJG, please stop.
Speaking that, baby talk. Now.
Many still like you.
Blah blah blah
goo goo goo
did someone die and put uie pooie in chargie?
But if you still rage
At peeps that you don't like, then
One more, SIM attack?
Tell us what you said,
Tell us where you leaked info.
How much did you lose?
Sim porting has been an issue for quite a few people over the years, and I don't really feel that it is necessary to get into any personal details, but sure there are protections that can and should be taken.. the more bitcoins that you have, the more protections that you should likely take.
However, for example, an attacker might think that you have more coins than you do, so they might spend a decent amount of time trying to get into your system(s), yet once an attacker is in, they would take whatever value you have in the accounts in which they gain access, whether that is .0001BTC or higher values.
If I, searched for me?
I mostly see, bitcointalk.
Maybe change your name.
You are considering that there are some specific vulnerabilities in my OPsec as compared with other folks? I have frequently attempted to share information in more general and generic ways rather than getting into too many specifics, even though surely there are some peeps who seem quite willing to share more information, and there are some other peeps here who seemed to have pulled back a decent amount on their sharing of personal information. So, personally, I have even described a variety of circumstances of what rich as fuck might be, which may well even include persons on the lower ends of my earlier example, and we do even have some people here with less than 1 BTC and around 5 BTC, and those surely are not bad points to be, especially when you compare them to no coiners or newbies who are just getting in and even 0.1 BTC is going to be a struggle for some of the newbies and nocoiners.. and surely, if some of us have lost coins in various ways, we may well be in similar circumstances where we are working to acquire lower statuses of coins.. and some of us might personally experience such stories or know some of the stories of some of our bretheren in this thread who have told us about some of their sold BTC at lower prices (whether forced or otherwise) and then struggling to figure out how to get even a semblance of their previous stash.. and sure the Mindrust example can be a good one, but there are others as well with different stories and it may well not be polite to name them or to go into their stories - even though sometimes they will share those stories here from time to time...
I share a lot already in this thread and through the years, so prodding me to share certain parts of my story as if some of the details really matter seems, at least, like bad manners, nanobtc.. even though you are not the ONLY one who has engaged in some seemingly excessive bad manners in those prodding kinds of ways. I will admit, though, at the same time that how much I share in terms of the prodding is a kind of personal discretion situation, and surely there are some guys (and gal perhaps) who do end up sharing (or oversharing) upon such prodding.. so each poster does have to figure their own personal (and OPsec) boundaries in terms of whether and how much to share in order to make whatever point that they need or want to make, and surely there are posts and threads on personal security and coin safeguarding, too.