buddy is sinking. a little lower and I can buy back the hyundai corn .
Not so easy to be selling cornz buying various other things with it and then expecting to buy back anywhere near the same quantity of cornz that had been sold, even if you did not spend all of the money.
Protip: If you sell some or all of your cornz and then you use the proceeds from such corn sale to buy another thing(s), then you no longer have such money to buy bitcoin with it.
If you have multiple stacks of coins and one is hodl and one is flex if you sell off some flex at 64k to 65k
for a car it does not mean you don’t have cash.
I have buys set at
If we tumble to those numbers I would take back the corn.
As I have said I am not rich , but I am not poor.
Now that I have a health concern that would mean 72 is a very likely timeline .
Holding btc is meh I will spend the flex on and off. I spent some corn because hodling for ten years means I am 77 which is five years past a time line end likelihood.
I am not suggesting that you might not be right to be selling more than you are buying or anything like that, yet I doubt that it is healthy to suggest that whatever coins you might have sold on the rip in order to lease your car or to pay for various car expenses were offset buy your ability to buy back some of them at lower prices, especially whe we are looking at BTC price moves in the last days and weeks that are perhaps 8% at most and yeah, sure they might go to higher spreads, presuming that you sold at the top and bought at the bottom, which we know that laddering does not tend to accomplish those levels of benefits, and one of the benefits of laddering is that there can be a bit of an assured "profits" but at the same time, the "profits" tend to be quite small.
Let me say, that I know people who ladder way more than you, but still the skimming off amounts are not enough to justify paying for a car.... though maybe enough to buy a nice steak dinner and a "wild night on the town," if you know what I am talking about?
and even then profits in dollars are on the way up more than on the way down, but there still could be tendencies to fold the profits back in rather than consuming them, so even if we look at the drop from $70k-ish to $49.5k-ish, laddering along the way could have resulted in thousands of dollars in profits once the BTC price gets back up to the starting point - again depending on if profits were taken in dollars or in bitcoin, yet we had only gotten back up around 70% so far but then a dip back down to 50%-ish levels (referring to the price move not the overall BTC price).
Part of my point is that it can surely take a quite a while for the profits to add up, and yeah if you are inclined to cash out most of all the dollars (or even a bit more than your profits and dip into principle), then you can surely justify eating away at your bitcoin principle in favor of dollars and use BTC price moves to bolster those kinds of withdrawals, including making them feel like hardly anything, even though your BTC principle is still being conscientiously and purposefully reduced.
I stand by my earlier points, and I am not even oppose to what you are doing, even if it might not be broadly applicable, so maybe I would be opposed to suggestions that your techniques would be broadly applicable to most people who are likely more in their BTC accumulation stages or maybe even maintenance stages rather than being in what you are even stating to be a kind of liquidation leaning era of your BTC journey.