I'm strongly considering quitting my job, and doing something, anything else while living off crypto for the foreseeable future. This is the first day of work after a 2 week break, and instead of being "refreshed" and ready to work, all I can think is the break wasn't nearly long enough. Despite finding the work deeply unfulfilling, my job is stable and pays pretty well (a quick Google search says I'm in the top 97% within my state).
Probably the biggest thing holding me back is losing the structure that comes with the daily grind. I'm not completely confident I have the necessary self-discipline to create my own structure over the long-term, and while there are a lot of things I want to do (contribute to open source crypto software, write a novel, go back to school, etc), there's the non-zero chance I end up wandering aimlessly without purpose until wasting away.
Has anyone else gone through this or a similar thought process? This might be the only place (that I know of) with people who could relate.
Actually, I quit my job to get away from structure. I hate structure. I want to be able to go to bed whenever I want, get out of bed whenever I want and do nothing at all in between. And that's pretty much what I have been doing for almost four years now, and I love it.
Edit: sorry three years it is.
this, basically. i always had enough hobbies and interests to never be bored working or not. and you may find areas of interest that you never would of though of once you dont need to keep someone elses schedule. once your time is truly yours and not someone elses you might be surprised where your wanderings take you. i havent worked for years and never have had more fun and new interests. its vastly more satisfying to invest your time into
your projects rather than try to fit your lifestyle around some corporations daily schedule.