Still alive, thanks so much to everyone for your replies and merits. Good advices given that will help me get through this.
You don't fully realise the seriousness of COVID-19 until you get it. I still don't actually know if what I have is COVID-19, but symptoms point to that direction... Should do a test to find out. Until now I'm confined at home with zero contact with others.
Now on day 4 from onset of symptoms. By day 5-6, and if things get serious, I should be getting shortness of breath, at which point I should be admitted to hospital. If this does not happen, then it may be possible to fight this at home on my own. I hope so.
Sounds like covid. Hate to say this, but I believe in facing reality: Make sure someone has access to your coins. Reason being I have had two people in December die of COVID. Both felt terrible, went to hospital, felt much better in 2 days, talked to me on the phone about how it really sucked, it wasn't the flu and holy fuck what a nightmare including the shits. The next morning both were dead. They go fast after getting "better".
Please take care of yourself and watch this carefully. I hate seeing people die of this completely preventable shit.
I appreciate the post, although it's scary as hell. As I said, you don't fully appreciate the seriousness of the situation until it happens to you. My advice to all is to not get close to people not wearing masks or wearing them improperly. If the situation is such that there is pressure on you to talk or interact with them, just say NO. You may be wearing your mask and everything (as I was), but the issue is not you, it's the ones you come in contact with! So, stay SAFE, take it VERY seriously, and REFUSE to get close to those without proper protection.
On topic, I see we passed the 27k € ($34k) mark, which is just AWESOME! I saw one big but very brief dip, which was quickly absorbed by the buying pressure. It seems that any corrections (big or small) are quickly counteracted by pumps that bring the price back to its "slow" upward course. If we keep going like this, $100k should easily be reached in 2021. Actually, predictions talk about as high as $400k, but for me $100k as a correction-stabilized price for 2021 is more than satisfactory. I'm sure many of us WOers' lives will change when this happens.
Onwards & upwards!
HoDL#humbled #blessed #sickpuppy
Let me give you another anecdotal story. I got it in May, from my brother.
His wife also got it, and they both got it from a friend at a dinner party.
We all had the same symptoms, first headache and fever (28-29 degrees) for two weeks and then about a week of slow recovery and then normal recovery, somewhere in the middle we lost the sense of smell for about a week, we also had a cough but not too bad.
No one died or got seriously ill, and nobody I know have died from it. So it's not always that bad.
I took 10 000 IE of vitamin D3 and 25 mg of zink daily during my sickness and stopped taking amlodipin since there were reports of that med making it harder to breath in some cases.
I had no shortness of breath whatsoever though.
After the covid I actually felt better then before, I had had a bad cough for a long time, probably related to my arthritis, that disappeared after my covid, I also have a lot less problems with my arthritis, it's like it somehow rebooted my immune system. I did get some weird neurological problems, for example a sensation in my left ear, like a bug was crawling in there, it's all gone now.
So, it doesn't have to be all bad, I hope you get a mild version and get better soon.