right now today if we matched 2017 we need to be at 78k.
this is base on mining profit.
so I think we could get to 78k by nov 2021.
for me i need 26-30k to be doing well with my mining farm.
IMHO, I see BTC being a bit over or around $20k at the end of 2021. (I can't believe I'm saying only, when I got into BTC Sept 18th, 2013 it was $150).
Anyway, my reasoning is as follows (1) blowback and FUD from the powerful/banker/and vested interests that will try to distract and such on BTC/Crypto...there
is always a 'backlash' in that area (2) Times are tough and they may get worse..thus some will 'reasonably' take some money out of the long term HODL
wallets for real-life issues, again, IMHO. Also, quite frankly if you are a 'huge' whale even taking 5% off your hoard at $20k would be tempting...not a big
deal if you just did so, but if everyone else thinks the same due to the sucky economic times I expect in 2021 it all adds up.
(3) Human nature for the long term HODL'ers to take some profits....and I think $20k for a long term Hodl'er with more BTC than myself will be 'convinced'
to sell some in the coming recession and bad economic times...especially as a hedge, and if he is older than say 55 years old, or so. Again, the economy gets sketchy
what else can you move 24/7 ..as a hedge against, what I expect is a 'sucky' year on the whole economically for the world, in 2021.
(now, am I gonna get beat up on WO for this post!) Anyway, if I am right on my prediction of dismalness...that is not so bad ..if the 100k in 2021 comes to pass
I'll take the fall on this post then)
Sketchy...what else can you sell/move but BTC/Crypto 24/7 on a whim of you against the world/universe if 2021 sucks as bad as I suspect.
That's it, Searing turned "bearish". It's all over now, get your ready bags packed, fits hitting the shan!
Get your tissues, whole lot of tears are coming.
Seems that you have NOT been tuning into the WO frequently enough, PoolMinor. In essence, Searing has always been a glass half full kind of guy who has been more than willing to spout out pessimistic views while apparently mostly HODLing through the vast majority of it, while complaining the whole time.
There are worse kinds of bear/bulls or whatever might be the proper label for such a HODLer, as the constantly fearing Searing.
searing had a lot of btc in dec 2017.
I could not convince him to sell even 1 coin. 18000 or 19000 or 18000
And he ended up selling a lot at 3900.
This time around I think he may sell some at 18.