.... it's like someone should invent a censorship-resistant currency so we don't have to use fucktard services like PayPal!
... oh the irony when PP starts confiscating ppBTC shittokens from polically-incorrect account holders who think they have bitcoin
Don't use PayPal. Hate them. Boycott them. Whatever. You can use Bitcoin and have nothing to do with them.
But to expect them to be anything other than what they are is foolish. Trusted third parties are security holes etc. I personally barely use PayPal. I have an account because of eBay.
But if you think we live in a world where they are just going to blow away like a dry leaf because they see that Bitcoin is the future of peer to peer finance... well I have a bridge to sell you.
And like it or not Bitcoin does not scale on the base layer and stay a distributed consensus. So if you want to see trustless scaling then maybe you should start working on lnd. And if you don't like lnd then maybe invent another trustless layer 2. Grumping about PatPal is not adding anything. And until there is something better for the masses to use they will use what is available.
I work with some very smart people in the arcane rarified circles of IT I inhabit. Most of them would not see why you would just not use Venmo. Why are you going to run some server on a Raspberry Pi and be your own node so you can make trustlss payments to ... well to who? To Bitfinex?
This stuff has a long way to go to mature to the point that it has a raindrops chance in hell of beating PayPal.
And believe it or not what we are seeing is a stone on that pathway. Shun it all you want, but it is actually taking you where you want to go.
Well lets see what their options were:
-actively fight BTC, lobby governments against it, run ads attacking BTC as terrorist money
-creating their own, or push Facebook/gov shitcoin
-actively support shitcoin (like BSv lol) to purposely split/damage "cryptocurrency" environment
-ignore it (as all other companies do)
-integrate paper BTC into their platform
-tell everyone just to use bitcoin and close their company
am i missing any? Honestly I expected them to stay silent, and was pleasantly surprised to see them endorse BTC by integrating paper/derivative form. What's next Visa start pushing BTC (even paper)