They're not even trying to hide the future Orwellian surveillance agenda anymore. And I must say, it's a brilliant marketing strategy: "In the beginning we'll let them invite these devices into their homes, offices, schools, apartments, restaurants, etc. willingly. Then one day in the future, we'll make them so integrated into their lives and necessary that they will all become
While I totally sympathize with Duderino's "I don't care what they think of me" attitude, there is a deeper problem the Dude doesn't see yet.
Imagine for a moment the General Attorney for Belgium or the USA (coz we all know they have powers everywhere) wants to get promoted by proving the Dude to be a kiddy fiddler, terrrst, money launderer, hacker etc.
Ask yourself for a moment if you've never said, email, texted, chatted any sentence or words that could - if even completely taken out of context - support the GA's case? Or if any search on Google, any location Apple has recorded from you, any books and items you bought from Amazon could eventually be used against you.
Or imagine that every socially/politically charged statement that you've ever made in the privacy of your own home, every off-handed comment, every off-color/non-PC joke, even comments/statements or an epic rant that you've made that could be misconstrued by someone as "racist", "fascist", "nazi", "misogynist", "against the government", "against the police", "illegal", "pedo", or whatever, gets recorded by your spy-device du jour. And the next thing you know, you've been doxxed, outed, your face all over social media, the media prints a false statement about you, you lose your job, you lose your business, etc. Or worse, you get arrested over it.
It may not even be
you per may be your idiot friends or family that come over and say or do idiotic, or possibly even illegal, things that get recorded. You may be implicated by association.
Even a heated argument or fight between you and your spouse could get recorded, and then used against you as "emotional distress" or "battery".
It doesn't matter if you think that you are not breaking any laws. These days you will be unfairly tried and convicted in the court of public opinion.