What possible reason would they have to invest significant resources traveling trillions and trillions of miles to visit a insignificant planet circling a unremarkable main sequence star on the outer edge of a galaxy basically in the middle of nowhere.
Planets die, like everything else. For life to sustain, it needs to move to the next planet. Hawking agreed with my thesis, so...
If they are still here observing for some reason and unwilling or unable to reveal their presence in full.
Unwilling, not unable. They have met marcus in person, and have reevaluated their position for the time being.
I think about the complexity of escaping a gravity well. The energy required just to get into orbit from Earth is immense and if the planet was just 50% larger in diameter standard physics would make that task impossible.
Stop thinking in ape terms. Anti gravity exists. Inherently. We're just too slow.
How fortunate we that Earth has just the right atmospheric composition and density to make fire, thus being able to smelt ores into metals.
Nothing special. Billion of stars in our galaxy, and billions of galaxies. Do the math.
Thats just the solar system now...if you want to travel galactic you need somewhere at the minimum of 500-600 km/s of delta v to escape Sagittarius A*'s clutches.
Time dilation. It's a constraint even for the most advanced species. Only from the hood, dawg.
All of the technology described above possible, but only on a limited scale with the energy densities humanity now achieves.
A civilisation perhaps only a few thousand years older than our own 'recorded' ten thousand years might be capable of such feats.
Let alone one that might have existed a million years before humans rose up from the plains. A trivial amount of time in the grand scheme of things and entirely possible.
Time is sooooo fucking ... relative.
Except for a few things...where are the signs? Besides a few grainy videos and a plethora of unsubstantiated testimony..nothing so far. And astronomically speaking..zip as well..no sub relativistic transients..or relativistic ones for that matter.
Nuremberg painting is my favorite.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_NurembergShips traveling at any significant speed between stars in normal space would be extremely obvious in stellar photography. So would the energy signature used to achieve that speed.
They don't ...
travel. They bend the space around them. Instantly.
So it again begs the question..why? If they have the technology to completely mask their presence and travel the stars unobserved..why the hell are they here watching us?
Because we're still dumb. So that we don't kill ourselves out to extinction.
Dark matter and dark beings. How the Universe appears to be made up of less than 5% baryonic matter..the other 25% being dark matter and 70% dark energy.
Humanity manipulating and consuming a substance perhaps the majority of the Universes inhabitants can't see and interact with. Being made out of this rare matter, living in and on the edge of immense crushing burning oblate spheroids of the stuff.
What we don't really understand, we call it ... dark. So moot of us.
If there are dark beings, how violent and strange our baryonic Universe must seem with all these strange particles and waves bashing around.
AntiCryptotourist definitely exists.
It could be that humanity is more alien than one might think and might be worthy of study.
You bet!