I miss the days when children women (of the non-professional kind) weren't allowed in pubs. They were one of the few day-time places where a person man could go to to be free from the annoyances of women with their kids running around. Now, there hardly exists a place where children women are excluded. I was sat trying to enjoy a beer in a sunny beer garden last week, only to have screaming kids running around, parents women completely disinterested in what their darling offspring were up to.
This is not some kind of an anti-woman “eww, girls, go away” rant; I dislike those. Rather, it is an observation that I again find myself in the wrong century.
For a nutshell historical illustration of what I mean, consider that the American Prohibition of alcohol was in large part an attack by women’s clubs on
de facto men’s clubs.
Whereas if married women (and today we must consider, single mothers) are ordinarily present in pubs, then you cannot reasonably expect to disallow children. Children come with the women. It is a part of a package deal; anyone who doesn’t understand that, does not know the first thing about women. Have cake—no eat, too. And if
non-professional single, childless women go to pubs, then you cannot reasonably expect for them to suddenly stop doing that when they get married and
/or have kids. Life doesn’t work that way. Eat cake—no have, too.
It seems that what you really want is an exclusive men’s space.
Perhaps modulo the general licence customarily exercised by practitionresses of the oldest profession.
It is personally bizarre that I find myself being the one to point this out. I am by nature too much of a lone wolf to have ever much sought the company of other men. If I seek the social company of human creatures, more oft than not, it is with the female species. For various reasons. I am too pathologically individualistic to do clubs—note the lack of a hat. And it has been over ten years since I even set foot in a pub—I’ve got beer at home, where I can drink it naked when so desired, with or without company as so desired.
Sight is sometimes granted by distance... What? It’s a social gathering-place for women? Interesting. How can you not expect for kids to be there, too?
Aside, I am indeed in the wrong century if #nohomo tags are needed on discussion of men’s sometimes desire to socialize exclusively with other men.
Mask culture. My favorite:
That doesn’t look efficacious to me. Does it have adequately close and comprehensive coverage of the mouth? This seems safer:
Seriously, I wear the biggest, meanest N95 mask that I can find. It covers the whole lower portion of my face
(and has a respirator port so that I can breathe). With sunglasses and a hat, my face is protected from the global pandemic of ubiquitous “security” cameras, Amazon Ring, cameraphone snapshots...
Fork off, facial recognition robots!