Do your own fucking due diligence, people, instead of being a shill for a political party that doesn't even exist in your own country.
It's been ages since I watched that film, but I remember clearly the bottom-line, which has nothing to do with Alex Jones, or any political party in the US.
You missed the point I was making in that the moral of the film was co-opted by anti-maskers.
Say what? The altered version of the film image read, “STAY HOME”, not “WEAR A MASK”. The difference is substantive, insofar as I think that
many people who object to lockdowns and the shutdown of society would, of their own accord, wear masks. Yet you drag a broad brush of what is hereby an
inaccurate “anti-masker” label, then tack on Alex Jones and Donald Trump—plus “retarded” insults.
Agenda much? And do you apply the same intellectual honesty and accuracy elsewhere?
Of course, I will not insult your intelligence by suggesting that you mistook simple English words. I don’t think that you’re retarded.
I guess Mr. Carpenter was way ahead of the times. Unreal. ::)
LOL. You are propagating the retarded meme of some Alex Jonestown woketivist... [...] Do your own fucking due diligence, people,
This also has nothing to do with masks, but rather, with an abject lack of historical perspective:
So what was going on back in 1918? Big brother trying to force conformity on the masses for the purposes of ushering in a new world order?
Your smug contempt is misplaced. Under various names, the “New World Order” thing has been ongoing since much before 1918. It is indeed real, although most of the people who talk about it have no idea what they are talking about.
To obviate a potentially long discussion reaching back before the Twentieth Century, I will simply point out that the Federal Reserve was established in 1913. (And if you believe that that was benignly intended, I have a
bridge hot defi ICO to sell you...)
The public discussion of the international conspiracy to enslave the whole world has also been ongoing longer than you think.
Mentioned just for kicks: I recall once having happened across a political cartoon in a newspaper from
(IIRC) 1906 1911 depicting Karl Marx being welcomed to the United States by a group of famous American bankers and industrial magnates. Off the top of my head, I think it caricatured Morgan, Rockefeller,
Carnegie, and a few others. Unfortunately, I do not have it handy; and I lost the reference (wherefore “just for kicks”). I should find that again some day. Perhaps you could help, applying those skills at digging up obscure articles from century-old newspapers. Surely you have spent much time perusing historical primary sources, as I have?
Edit: Thank you, Last of the V8s. That deserves much more than +2.Perhaps we're just trying to globally combat a pandemic by encouraging proper hygiene until it has subsided? Or is that just way too looney tunes of a conspiracy?
we’re they’re trying globally to_combat a low-lethality pandemic by locking everybody up like caged animals, guaranteeing that the animals will be controlled with hunger pangs by simultaneously inflating the currency supply and imploding economic production, instituting a mass-surveillance wet-dream under the rubric of public health protection via “contract tracing”, etc., etc.
Edit: LOL, V8s. Yes, that was a delightful typo whereas “contract tracing” is a kind of FATF thing...If they were just telling people to wear masks and wash their hands, and advising elderly and other at-risk people to self-isolate, then you would have a point.
Focus on the IF.