No one will shove big amounts of money into bitcoin before the U.S. election.
How is that even relevant?
Trump and Biden are approximately the same. Neither will seek to undo the products of the Woodrow Wilson administration—and starting before undoing the Roosevelt
New Five-Year Plan New Deal,
that is what should be most important to the financial decisions of American investors, if they are capable even of remembering what they ate for breakfast. #justsaying
Moreover, this charade has not even the slightest relevance to non-American investors. One or the other of two American Commissars will be “elected”. Either way, America will continue to be a terrorist rogue state, will continue to undermine the bigcorp-dollarized-globalized economy, will continue to export cultural degeneracy... Yawn.
Some people’s obsession with this pointless circus act is surreal. Not buy Bitcoin because of it? Say what? Why should Bitcoin give a hoot?
So much noise about what is basically just entertainment. Football hooligans, scaled up.