short-term correlation between BTC and equities or even other assets
It's not a "short-term correlation" so much as a new paradigm. Let me know when you understand the difference.
It started in feb as both the market and btc crashed hard.
It is fairly true for 2020.
Far less true prior to 2020.
Most likely will not be true in 2021 or 2022.
Part of the reason if was not true prior to 2020 was it was too novel and too small. But this year a lot of market money has bounced into btc as markets are besides theirselves with fears of a big crash.
It is still too small a cap under 300 bill not to delink from the market.
The real question is not if they are linked at the moment but when does btc pass the market and leave it behind.
BTC already has left the market behind.
The mere fact that you can draw short-term correlation between February 2020-ish to present, hardly means shit.
It's like cavemen looking at shadows in a cave trying to proclaim that they know what is going on outside the cave, when it would be much more informative to look outside the cave and determine directly what is going on rather than relying upon shadow interpretation (aka limited information).
While you may want that to be true right here right now as I type the evidence shows it to be not yet. When and if it goes up up and away in 2021 to 50-100k and in 2022 to 250k you would be correct. But then again I am just a guy typing on a keyboard in NJ, USA.
Not an insider or a big BTC owner. I dabble at it all. More of a very small business for me than anything else.
My comment is not based on wishing; it is instead based on a description from where BTC came and where BTC currently is.
Sure, my description has an assertion that we are NOT currently in a correlation status, and perhaps the future will lend some more light upon whether we
had been in a correlation status, yet I had already been repeatedly proclaiming that mere short-term correlation, to the extent that you had identified it to be happening since February until present, does not actually rise to the level of a reasonable assessment regarding where we are at or from where we came.
Furthermore, my description does not presume future BTC price direction as you seem to be ascribing to my comment... You are full of nonsense if you believe that BTC prices would have to reach $50k to $100k in 2021 or alternatively $250k in 2022 in order for me to be correct. Fact of the matter is that I am already correct based on data that is already in. Future prediction about BTC price movement remains another category and there are a lot of potential variable outcomes, some outcomes are more bullish, some are less bullish and there are even bearish or flat scenarios that could play out too.
One thing about the future is that you cannot really know for sure what might happen, until it has already happened.. otherwise the future is based on a series of probabilities, as you already realize that understanding.
Of course, any kind of description of where we are in terms of BTC price or where we had been can be used with a certain amount of prescriptive elements contained therein in order to attempt to ascribe probabilities to potential future paths forward.
As I mentioned several times already, the three strongest characterizations of BTC price prediction models include: 1) planB's stock to flow, 2) 4-year fractal and 3) s-curve exponential adoption based on metcalfe and networking principles.
Even though these BTC price prediction models might feel like they are locked into some kind of absolutes about the future, they are still based on probabilities rather than certainties - and people can even disagree regarding how much certainty to assign to various price points contained therein or whether the model might end up needing to be adjusted or end up breaking in the future based on how future data plays out... but they are currently NOT broken nor in need of adjustment based on surprise data points, such as purported short-term correlation.. blah blah blah.
None of those above mentioned BTC price prediction models are currently out of line with the seemingly short-term evidence of BTC correlation with stocks, gold and/or other assets...
Furthermore, there have been a decent number of in-depth analysis of BTC suggesting that BTC has shown historical performance that is amongst the most uncorrelated of asset classes, and even those discussions are not negated by short-term periods of seeming correlation. Do you need links for any of those studies that have been floating around the space for 5 years or more?
Sure it is possible that the future might not look like the past and any model that is worth its salt should attempt to account for the data as it comes in or if there might be meaningful deviations that might suggest the model(s) to not have as much predictive power, or maybe all of a sudden bitcoin will go from being an immature as fuck asset class to becoming mature, which would likely change the way that it performs in the future.. but currently, there is no real actual strong evidence to suggest that any meaningful or material changes have been happening in bitcoin in order to cause bitcoin to all of a sudden be treated as a mature asset class or to become correlated on a longer time horizon, in spite wishful projections based on such short-term observations of purported correlations.
Yes, the passage of time would provide more data to verify if currently seemingly valid BTC prediction models are still playing out within a range that allows the price prediction models to be true, but why the hell do we need more passage of time in order to figure out what the fuck is going on in BTC?
We have a decent amount of data already. We have more than 10 years worth of BTC price data, as BTC has been increasing in adoption, and its networking effects have been building, but bitcoin still remains pretty damned, immature, no?
Seems that we do not need to go through such passage of time of future time with our hands in the air and saying that we have no idea what might happen in order to already appreciate that so far in BTC's wee lil short life it is not correlated to stocks, gold or other assets, even though we could look at short snippets of charts and visualize certain shorter term periods and proclaim that such correlation could be argued to be present, blah blah blah, based on incomplete information, as I already mentioned several times.
Sure Phillip, conclude what you like regarding where bitcoin is or where it came from including your need for more passage of time in order to feel comfortable in figuring out where bitcoin might be going, including if you want to believe that there is correlation presently that actually matters in really understanding what is happening with BTC, and if want to believe that you need more evidence, such as the passage of 1, 2 or 3 more years of data and for BTC to reach certain predetermined and seemingly random price points before you would become convinced or comfortable regarding where we are at currently, then that is your choice to have those kinds of beliefs that seem to NOT be based on the evidence that is already here, staring you in the face.
^Stamp a number on each keyword - preferably the number matching the required order of the keys - and you won't have to worry.
I want to do this - just because it's so cool!
What about dealing with a "losing one" scenario that STRF had mentioned?
You suggesting that "cool" people do not have the right
(if that's an appropriate word choice?) to lose any of those 12, 18 or 24 washers?
But what happens if you lose 1 or the order of them?
You add the index number, possibly obfuscated (reversed order, as a simpler example)
get creative
Same question to you OOM (ditto) - as I had raised above for homerx
(except substitute "creative" for "cool").
Well I don't plan to put more than a couple of cups of coffee worth of Bitcoin in that wallet, I just think it's cool.
I'll probably keep it on a fob in my pocket and then when I'm paying for a purchase, I'll pull it out, gesture towards it and swing it around while saying "Do you accept Bitcoin?"
When they say, "No, sorry we only accept cash or credit cards", I'll remind them it's the 21st century, wink at them, tell them they should get with the program and chuckle while slipping that dazzling piece of high-tech jewelry back into my pocket.
That's right homer. Don't plan on taking any shit - a sign of truly reaching fuck you status.